1200 BCE
Book One
It states with Athena asking Zesa if she can help Telemachus find his father Odysseus. Athena come to earth disguised as Mentes then tells Telemachus what to do to find Odysseus. Also what to do to the suitors that want to marry his mother. -
1199 BCE
Book Two
Telemachus orders a melding of the island to talk about the suitors stealing from him. The suitors tell Telemachus that it's his mother's fault, sine Penelopeia promise to marry after she was done making a shroud for Odysseus. But every night she distrust so she doesn't have to marry. Then eagles come down attacking the suitors a sible of their death to come. Later after the meeting Athena came agen as Mentor prom Telemachus men and a ship to find news of Odysseus. -
1198 BCE
Book Three
Later on Telemachus and Athena/Mentor come upon afest to take to Nestor about Odysseus. Nestor tells what happened at Troy and when they returned. Nestor tell them about Menelaus who can tell them more. Then Athena/Mentorters in to a eagle telling Nestor to sent his son with Telemachus to Menelaus, then Athena flies away. -
1198 BCE
Book Four (part 1)
Telemachus and Pisistratus arrive at Menelaus king dome, Telemachus asks he as any news of his father Odysseus or of Troy. Menelaus tell about his journey home from Troy on their way the God stopped them from returning. An a island they meat Eidothen who help them capture her father Proteus/Poseidon's right hand man who can help them. Ather they captured him he told what to do to go home, and what happened to their friend a see, he also told them Odysseus is alive on a island trapped by a nymph. -
1198 BCE
Book Four (part 2)
Back at Telemachus home the suitors are relaxing, then a man comes asking when Telemachus is going to return. Since he let him borrow his ship to find news of his father. The suitors plan to kill Telemachus, but a man name Mendo hers it. He goes to Penelopeia that the suitors are planning to kill her son so she praise to the god's for help. -
1197 BCE
Book Five (part 1)
It started with Hermes going down to the island where Calypso is holding Odysseus on the island. -
1197 BCE
Book Five (part 2)
Hermes tells Calypso that he came here to tell her that he was sent by Zeus to tell hir to let Odysseus free. Calypso was agree since she is in love with Odysseus but she agrees to. -
1197 BCE
Book Five (part 3)
Calypso agrees to help Odysseus by the two of them making a boat of Odysseus to get of the island. -
1197 BCE
Book Five (part 4)
After Odysseus get of the island and sales for a while he see land, but Poseidon notices he's off the island so he sent a wave to destroy his boat. -
1197 BCE
Book Five (part 5)
As Odysseus is trying to recover a mermaid finds him telling Odysseus to swim for sore with hair veil wich would protect him then she smiles of. -
1197 BCE
Book Five (part 6)
As he swims for the sore he is pushed by waves on sharp rocks, eventually he get on land and tries to find a place to sleep. -
1196 BCE
Book Six (part 1)
The next day Odysseus wakes up and finds woman washing close in a river he asked them for help. -
1196 BCE
Book Six (part 2)
Odysseus meets Nausicaa the daughter of King Alcinous, she helps Odysseus by providing him with close. -
1196 BCE
Book Six (part 3)
Nausicaa tell Odysseus to stay a while behind so that sailors won't gossip, as Nausicaa and the other women leave, Athena appears as a little girl guiding Odysseus their the vileg to the kasale. -
1195 BCE
Book Seven (part 2)
Odysseus goes in front of Alcinoos' wife and asks her for help, she tells Odysseus not to worry she and her husband Alcinoos will help. -
1195 BCE
Book Seven (part 3)
Alcinoos comes and hears of what happened and how Odysseus want to go home so Alcinoos says he will have a fest for Odysseus and then be sent home. -
1195 BCE
Book Seven (part 1)
After Athena how is deceased as a little girl guides Odysseus to the kasale and then disappears. -
1194 BCE
Book Eight (part 2)
During the celebration some young men dowthing Odysseus strength, then Odysseus proved his strength by throwing a disk harder then any one before and the he went back to celebrating. -
1194 BCE
Book Eight (part 1)
In the morning their is a feast with sports, games, dancing, and celebration for Odysseus by the King Alcinoos. -
1194 BCE
Book Eight (part 3)
As Odysseus and the rest are eating a musician begins to playing a song telling the events of the Trojan war,which bring Odysseus sadness he then tells everyone who his is and he journey back then. -
1193 BCE
Book Nine (part 2)
As the men explored the island they found a huge cave with lambs and huge ordinary idemes. After a while they lared a ciclopes oned this cave the men hide, after the ciclopes herding flock of sheep he closed the cave with a huge rock. As the ciclopes was puting the sheep away he saw Odysseus and his men he question them he grabbed 2 men and ate them and went to sleep. Odysseus and the other men that what to do they decide to make a look to asper and use it on the ciclopes. -
1193 BCE
Book Nine (part 1)
Odysseus states the story after they conquered Troy then when to Cicones, but Odysseus and the rest of the men were later formed of Cicones, by their neighbors. As the salad they reachen island men were sent to search but the didn't return they ate of a fruit that made them lazy then Odysseus and the rest of his quickly salad of the island. Then they reached another island they stand there for awhile and one day they saw smoke frome island near by so the when see what was on it. -
1193 BCE
Book Nine (part 3)
Later when the cyclops/Polyphemus return Odysseus gave him wine. Polyphemus then asked for Odysseus he see he is Nobody then he passed out. As Polyphemus sleeped Odysseus and his men grabbed the wooden spear and stabbed it in cyclops eye. The other cyclops asked Polyphemus if he is ok Polyphemus seed Nobody is killing me. Then cyclops sat in front of the exit Odysseus and his men got on sheeps and escaped, as they were leaving Odysseus told his real name cyclops then asked Poseidon to kers him. -
1192 BCE
Book Ten (part 2)
Then some of Odysseus men climbed on top of the clift, they watched as 2 other men how boats were inside the cliffs went to meet the people. As they meet the people they were killed Odysseus told the men which were docked inside the cliffs to run away. But it was already to late only Odysseus ship and men on it survived. Later the rached a island the men were afraid to exported so Odysseus went he saw smoke in the decent but decide to find food he returned with a deer for his men. -
1192 BCE
Book Ten (part 1)
As they sailed they reached unowned land it was Aeolia home of King Aeolus lord of the winds. After celebrating with Aeolus he sent them home with wind he capcherd and he also made it so the wind will guide them home. One day when Odysseus fell asleep his men opened the bag of wined which brought them back to Aeolia. They asked Aeolus for help but he refused. Later a reached a island wich and its harbor surrounded by cliffs, every boat wnt in except Odysseus. It was tied his to the cliffs. -
1192 BCE
Book Ten (part 3)
Odysseus the gates Eurylochus and hafe of the men to explore the island then they hide a grand home. It belongs to Circe she invites them men in but Eurylochus stays behind he see Circe giving the men food wich tear them to pigs. He tell Odysseus so he goes to get the men back. On his may he mets Hermes how tell Odysseus what to do. Odysseus later confronts Cersei and forest hir to retain his men and help them get home, she tell him he has to go to Land of the Dead and ask Tiresias for help. -
1191 BCE
Book Eleven (part 3)
After talking to Tiresias Odysseus saw his died he leter lets hir drink the blood and asked her of what happened while he was gone and how she died. Later he tell how he also meat famous dead women. Later it transitions back to prest day were Odysseus is tell the story to king Alcinous and the rest of the guest the places Odysseus to conte. -
1191 BCE
Book Eleven (part 4)
Odysseus continue telling his story about, and how he meat king Agamemnon and gave Odysseus of what to do when he retenes. Then he also meat Achilles how asked about his son who was in the Trojan War. Later the sales began to chase Odysseus and his men but they made to the ship and escaped. -
1191 BCE
Book Eleven (part 1)
As Odysseus and some of his men jerned to the Land of the Dead, followed Circe instruction as the arrival the digged a dich and killed a young goat to attract the sperides. -
1191 BCE
Book Eleven (part 2)
Then the sale came sorong them Odysseus took out his sword and was screaming out Tiresias name, finally Tiresias comes Odysseus ask him what to do to return home. Tiresias tells him that he and his men can't eat the cattle of Helios if they want to retens safely home, then they must deal with the suters in his home, and how he most have a sacrifice to Poseidon for forgiveness, and the rest of the gods for a peaceful death. -
1190 BCE
Book Twelve (part 2)
As the saled under the Scylla it stated to taking Odysseus men the blood of the men splattered everywhere. Odysseus told his men to rail faster evenly the escaped then they came to Thrinacia home of the Helios cows the were not allowed to eat them. Thrinacia they became stuck on the island for several day when they ran out of food they please Odysseus to eat them. Then Odysseus went on a cliff to pray for the Goddess for help but he feel asleep. When he retained his men ate the cowes. -
1190 BCE
Book Twelve (part 1)
After they rated from the Land of the Dead Circe sent of Odysseus and his men of with soplice a breeze guide them. Also she warned Odysseus of the dangers and how avoid them. Like the sirens plug their ears with beeswax, also avoid the sharp jagged cliffs. Furthermore they will have to avoid Charybdis, also Scylla they wouldn't be able to avoid it, it will kill six of Odysseus men. To survive it all they have do is try to escape as fast as possible. -
1190 BCE
Book Twelve (part 3)
Left the island it was clear weather the all of a sudden a storm came. Then all of sudden lightning strike the boat kill all the men expert Odysseus. He tried to patal back to sore on a chunk of wood from the bait but the wind made him reten back to Scylla and Charybdis. Then when he was going to be suced into Charybdis he jumed of the wood and on to the olive tree growing on a clif. Evenaly he fell of came on the wood agen and found himself on Ogygia where he later got of and got to present day -
1189 BCE
Book Thirteen (part 1)
It started with Odysseus how is sleeping on a boat that is taking him back home to Ithaca. When they reached Ithaca the men on the boat cared Odysseus of on land and his riches, then they sailed back home, -
1189 BCE
Book Thirteen (part 2)
As Odysseus wakes up he thinks the gods are still angry at him and traped him on a nother island. But then Athena tell Odysseus that he is back home on Ithaca. Then Athena tell Odysseus to hide his trases from Alcinoos in a cave and come back for it when he is done dealing with the suitors. -
1189 BCE
Book Thirteen (part 3)
Athena tells Odysseus that he will sere find a way to get ride of the suitors she will help on the way. Fist she decided Odysseus old man and tell him to go to Eumaeus, while she goes to help Telemachus. -
1188 BCE
Book Fourteen (part 1)
As Odysseus who is disguised as an old man arrives at Eumaeus home his dages are surrounding Odysseus are about to attack but Eumaeus comes and scares them of. Then Eumaeus invites Odysseus into his house. -
1188 BCE
Book Fourteen (part 2)
Eumaeus offers Odysseus food but can't give more since the rest belong to Odysseus's and since the suters are hear their eating Odysseus dry. The Odysseus who is disguised as a old man teles Eumaeus that he hears that Odysseus is finally returning but Eumaeus does not believe him sine many beggars say that but it never happens. -
1187 BCE
Book Fifthteen (part 1)
Then it transition to Telemachus who came back from seeing Menelaus with Pisistratus, and now the are saying goodbye to each other. As Telemachus is goething on his ship for Ithaca a man named Theoclymenus asked if he can come since he is being haunted by a man he killed, Telemachus let him come on board. -
1187 BCE
Book Fifthteen (part 2)
While sailing at night Telemachus hears Athena giving him istrucnes in his sleep. She tells Telemachus to go to the east and put hum on Ithaca then the side leva him and head for the haber and then they will meet at town tomorrow. As Telemachus walkes he goes to Eumaeus to say hello. -
1186 BCE
Book Sixteen (part 3)
The suitors then plan and agree of what to do next to kill Telemachus, as they are taking Telemachus past them and goes to the dining hall to talk to Theoclymenus. As they're talking Penelopeia comes to grate her son Theoclymenus, he tells her that he heard his Odysseus is alive, then Theoclymenus ades on saying Odysseus is her on Ithaca. Theoclymenus tell he can see in the future. -
1186 BCE
Book Sixteen (part 1)
As Telemachus and Eumaeus greet each other Eumaeus tell Telemachus about Odysseus, how is still disguised as a old man. Telemachus then asks Eumaeus to tell his mother in secret that he is hear. As Eumaeus leaves Athena appears and tells Odysseus it's time to plan with your son how to get rid of the suters, then she changes Odysseus back to normal. Then Odysseus goes back inside Telemachus is surprised to what had happen but is happy his dad is home, they think of what to do to kill the suters. -
1186 BCE
Book Sixteen (part 2)
Telemachus and Odysseus decide to test the suitors which will act kind to Odysseus when he is disguised as an old man. Also they sale take the weapons which are hanged in the dineral and hide them, now Telemachus is going home. Then it trasitenes to Eumaeus ho came to the hole to tell Penelopeia to tell her that Telemachus retenes safely. While out the sea the boat that Telemachus supposed to be on board but it teas out he's onboard. -
1185 BCE
Book Seventeen (part 2)
As Odysseus How is disguised as an old man going around asking the suitors fors food and see which ones are loyale. While Odysseus is walking to each of them the suitors wonder how he is, then Antinoos one of the suitors askes Eumaeus why he brought him. When finally Odysseus comes to Eumaeus and asked for food, Eumaeus refuses to give food because of Odysseus smell. Fore that Odysseus call him stupid, then it transitioned to Eumaeus talking to Penelope about "Odysseus's tails" and she see him. -
1185 BCE
Book Seventeen (part 1)
As Eumaeus and Odysseus, how is disguised agen are heading for "Odysseus's hall", the come upon a man name Melanthius who makes them. As they arrive Odysseus see his dog Argos how is almost dead, Argos looks up and recognise Odysseus. When Odysseus and Eumaeus wake into the hall, Argos then dies and Athena take him to the underworld. Inside the hall Odysseus sites down, then Telemachus tell Eumaeus to give food to Odysseus and that he doesn't shy to ask the suitors for food. -
1184 BCE
Book Eighteen (part 1)
As Odysseus how is stille disguised as an old man, is eating a burger named Irus, is angry at Odysseus sopet and Irus started trening him. The suitors over hear and tell them to fight it out as they watch. When Irus and Odysseus are talking of their close to fight, Irus then got scared of Odysseus from all the mosele Odysseus had under his close. But the suitors forced Irus to fight and the fight began. -
1184 BCE
Book Eighteen (part 2)
Then in one punch Odysseus knocked Irus out as the suitors were shocked and amazed. The suitors granted Odysseus how was still disguised, granted him food and a seat. While Amphinomus one the suitors was giving Odysseus wine, Odysseus told Amphinomus that harm will come to the suitors and for Amphinomus to runaway while he still can. Then as night came the suitors left. -
1183 BCE
Book Nineteen (part 1)
After the suitors left fore the night, Telemachus and Odysseus how is disguised as and old man. They hide the weepies wich were hanged in the hall. Then Penelope asked Odysseus for his fake story, and also what he heard about Odysseus. -
1183 BCE
Book Nineteen (part 2)
Then Penelope asked the Odysseus how was disguised what he was wearing. Later Penelope ask Eurycleia, how took care of Odysseus when he was a kid. While Eurycleia is washing the strangers leagues she finds a sare in the same spot Odysseus had, and she realise the stranger is Odysseus. -
1183 BCE
Book Nineteen (part 3)
Before Eurycleia code say anything about the stranger being Odysseus. Odysseus covered her mouth and told hir his planes to kill the suitors. Eurycleia tell Odysseus that she can help, like telling wich maids which are not loyal and should die. Then Penelope asked the stranger to explain hir dream. In it a hack comes down and killed all the fat geese. He tell Penelope that it is overly Odysseus coming back and killing the suitors. Then Penelope telles she doesn't believe that and is worse -
1182 BCE
Book Twenty (part 1)
The next morning Odysseus how is disguised findes Eumaeus come back to hall. Also Eumaeus friend/ fellow worker named Philoetius comes with a cow. The 3 of them both tinke the suitors deserve punishment for their baver. -
1182 BCE
Book Twenty (part 2)
Inside the hall Odysseus is sitting as the mean then kill one of his cows for the suitors.Then one of the suitors named Ctessipus throws one of the cow hooves at bopping him on the head. Penelopeia then after decided to go down stares and grabe Odysseus bow and 12 axe handles. -
1181 BCE
Book Twentyone (part 1)
Penelopeia comes to the suitors about hir offer to marry anyone who, is a able to shoot a arrow through 12 axes handles. They set up the axes and Telemachus fist tries to put the string on the bow bout Odysseus who is disguised gives Telemachus to stop since he is so close to doing it. Then the suitors then try but can't so the try to bend it by warming it up. -
1181 BCE
Book Twentyone (part 2)
Then Odysseus how is in disguised goes outside and tells Eumaeus and Philoetius that he is Odysseus, and then he tell them his plan, they agree to help. Then Odysseus goes inside were the suitors decide to have the tournament a different time, since none of them can do it. Then Odysseus asks if he can try and see if he can do it, which angers the suitors since if he does it they will be lathet at. Then Telemachus asks his mom Penelopeia to go to hir room. -
1181 BCE
Book Twentyone (part 3)
Then Eumaeus gives the bow to Odysseus how was in disguise, then Odysseus began looking at the bow testing it as the suitors made fun of him. Then Eumaeus tell Eurycleia to lock the maids in their rooms and not to let them out. Later Odysseus put the string on the bow with ease, then strung it and lighting struct in the distant, then he took ame and fired at the 12 axe handles. -
1180 BCE
Book Twentytwo (part 3)
Then Athena appeared, with Medusa's head on the shield with scared the suitors. Then Odysseus and his friends and son went into the krowd kill all the suitors. Then Odysseus got Eurycleia to get the unloyal mades to carry out the bodies and then clean the hall of blood. Later after the hall was clean they killed the unloyal mades. -
1180 BCE
Book Twentytwo (part 1)
The arrow made though the 12 axes handles, then Odysseus candle from an old man back to normal. Then Odysseus stated killing the suitors, but then one of them told Odysseus that they will pay him back for what they did. Odysseus told them it doesn't matter if the pay him back he will still kill them, then Odysseus began to kill more suitors while Telemachus ran out to get armor and weapons for him and his father. Eventually the suitors fund a little hach where they got Melanthius to go threw . -
1180 BCE
Book Twentytwo (part 2)
Then Telemachus retires with armor and weapons, but Melanthius found out were they kept the weapons and armor and gave it to the suitors. Then Odysseus tells Eumaeus and Philoetius to find Melanthius and stop him from giving more weapons to the suitors. As the suitors threw spears at Odysseus, Telemachus, and their friends, Athena peard and the suitors spares brake. Then they threw spear at the suitors which killed many then again, and then the suitors saterd in panice. -
1179 BCE
Book Twentythree (part 1)
As Odysseus is washing himself and putting on close, then Penelope came down and sat down looking at him. Then he came to hir asking does she think he is Odysseus, and why she is acing so cold towards her husband. She seed she doesn't fully believe he is Odysseus since he looks exactly the same as Odysseus when he left for Troy. Then Odysseus told her how there was once a tree growing in their now bedroom, and how he cut it down bilet a bed and wall around it. -
1179 BCE
Book Twentythree (part 2)
After Odysseus was done talking Penelopia stude up and rushed to Odysseus since, she now was sher that he was the real Odysseus. Since Odysseus told her that story before, then they greadted and confronted each other. Then Odysseus told Penelopia that he will have to leave to face the families of the suitors. The day when Odysseus woke net to Penelopia he told her he must go, and for her and the women to satay in. -
1178 BCE
Book Twentyfour (part 2)
Then Philoetius warn Odysseus and everyone else that Eupheitus and the suitors families are coming. As they get ready to sneak attack Eupheitus and the suitors families, then Athena appear disguised as Mentor. She gives Laertes strength and tell him to throw his spear it hit Eupheitus. Then cause erupts but Athena then stops the fighting everyone stops fighting, later Odysseus went out to fulfill Tiresias prophecy to live a long and happy life. -
1178 BCE
Book Twentyfour (part 1)
Odysseus and his other alise started marching out as they left the suitors families had learned of what had happened and were angry So Eupheitus decide to gader the man to kill Odysseus but Medon tell them that this would had not happened if they had listed to Telemachus also that Medon saw a god help Odysseus but they still went ignoring Medon. Then it transitioned to Odysseus how came to his father Laertes to help against the suitors families Laertes is happy to see Odysseus and agrees to help