
The Odyssey: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Books 9-13

  • 750 BCE

    Book 9: The Lotus Eaters

    Book 9: The Lotus Eaters
    Where-Past Cythera to the Land of the Lotus Eaters Who- Odysseus and his men were confronted by Lotus Eaters What Happens- Odysseus and his men landed on the island of The Lotus Eaters and they offered the men Lotus Flowers. Whenever they ate the flowers they didn't want to leave so Odysseus dragged them off the island. Evidence-"I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, / tied them down under their rowing benches" (Book 9, lines 48-49).
  • 750 BCE

    Book 9: Odysseus meets the Cyclops

    Book 9: Odysseus meets the Cyclops
    Where-The Land of Cyclops (lush land with lots of plants for the cyclops to eat).
    Who-Odysseus and his men had to defeat the cyclops Polyphemus to be able to get out of his cave and leave the island.
    What Happens- I didn't have enough room to put my summary so I linked it.
    Evidence-"forward they sprinted, lifted it and rammed it / deep in his crater eye, and I leaned on it" (Book 9, lines 291-292).
  • 750 BCE

    Book 10: Circe the Witch

    Book 10: Circe the Witch
    Where-Circe the Witch lives on the island of Aeaea.
    Who- Odysseus and his men, Circe the witch, Hermes, and Eurylochus (warns Odysseus).
    What Happens-Odysseus's men got turned into swine and when Odysseus went to save them Hermes (a god) gave him moly to protect himself. They have to stay one year then Circe finally lets them go.
    Evidence-"So, squealing, in they went. And Circe tossed them / acorns, mast, and cornel berries-fodder" (Book 10, lines 36-37).
  • 750 BCE

    Book 11: The Land of the Dead

    Book 11: The Land of the Dead
    Who- Odysseus and his men, Tiresias, Persephone, Elpenor, Circe, and Anticlea.
    What Happens-Odysseus travels to the underworld to the place where Circe directed him. The "ghosts" he met in the underworld told him things and helped Odysseus.
    Evidence-"Bow the souls gathered, stirring out of Erebus, / brides and young men, and men grown old in pain" (Book 11, lines 10-11).
  • 750 BCE

    Book 12: Sirens

    Book 12: Sirens
    Where->Where- In the sea
    Who-Odysseus and his men, Sirens, Circe
    What Happens- Circe warned Odysseus about the Sirens. Sirens are female creatures that sing and cause men to jump overboard to their deaths. Odysseus's crew plugged their ears with beeswax while he was tied down to the ship's mast.
    Evidence-"Steer wide; keep well to seaward; plug your oarsmen's ears/ with beeswax kneaded soft; none of the rest/ should hear that song" (Book 12, line 13-15).
  • 750 BCE

    Book 12: Scylla and Charybdis

    Book 12: Scylla and Charybdis
    Where-Between a
    What Happens-