The Odyssey

  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Book one

    Athena asks zeus to free Odysseus.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1200 BCE

    book one

    Athena askes Zeus to intervene - Odysseus/posiden
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1200 BCE

    book one

    Athena disguises herself and speaks to Telemachus
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1200 BCE

    book one

    Telemachus listens and then yells at the suitors
  • Period: 1199 BCE to 1199 BCE

    book two

    Telemachus calls suitors for a meeting.
  • Period: 1199 BCE to 1199 BCE

    book two

    Penelope waeves and un-weaves a shroud for laetes she does this to avoid marring a suitor.
  • Period: 1199 BCE to 1199 BCE

    book two

    Mentor helps telemachus prepare to goo find odysseus
  • Period: 1198 BCE to 119 BCE

    book three

    Telemachus meets nestor
  • Period: 1198 BCE to 1198 BCE

    book three

    Nestor remembers Acheans.
  • Period: 1198 BCE to 1198 BCE

    book three

    Nestor says agamemnon and his gruesom death at the hands of aegisthus
  • Period: 1197 BCE to 1197 BCE

    book four

    The sutors plan to kill telemachus
  • Period: 1197 BCE to 1197 BCE

    book four

    Posiden crashes Ajaxes ship and Ajax is the only survivor and yells"that not even the gods can drown me" and posiden cracked the rock he was standing on so he can fall into the sea and drown.
  • Period: 1197 BCE to 1197 BCE

    book four

    Telemachus gets help from
  • Period: 1196 BCE to 1196 BCE

    book five

    Hermes comes from Mount Olympus and tells calypso to free Odysseus.
  • Period: 1196 BCE to 1196

    book five

    Posiden then realizes that the gods have released Odysseus and doesn't want him to make it home so posiden makes it more difficult for Odysseus to go on his journey.
  • Period: 1196 BCE to 1196 BCE

    book five

    Calypso disagrees of releasing Odysseus but lets him go and helps him build his raft and also helps Odysseus buy telling him which way to head home.
  • Period: 1195 BCE to 1195 BCE

    book six

    Odysseus woke up from his sleep hearing people sing and the people saw Odysseus and gave him clothes and food.
  • Period: 1195 BCE to 1195 BCE

    book six

    The people lead Odysseus to the nearest town so he can find home easeir.
  • Period: 1195 BCE to 1195 BCE

    book six

    when odysseus approches the town he then prays to athena to help him make it easier to ask for help in the town.
  • Period: 1194 BCE to 1194 BCE

    book seven

    Odysseus goes and pleads to the queen to seek help
  • Period: 1194 BCE to 1194 BCE

    book seven

    Athena help take Odysseus to the kingdom with fog around him.
  • Period: 1193 BCE to 1193 BCE

    book eight

    The next day they have their feist and they do sports and dancing during that feist.
  • Period: 1193 BCE to 1193 BCE

    book eight

    They have Odysseus join them in there feist
  • Period: 1193 BCE to 1193 BCE

    book eight

    Odysseus then tells them who he is and everyone is shocked to see him.
  • Period: 1192 BCE to 1192 BCE

    book nine

    Odysseus and his men attacked troy.
  • Period: 1192 BCE to 1192 BCE

    book nine

    Odysseus then end up on and island where ther is a cyclops and get traped in polyphemus cave.
  • Period: 1192 BCE to 1192 BCE

    book nine

    his men conqored troy then end up being forced to leave by another army.
  • Period: 1191 BCE to 1191 BCE

    book ten

    Odysseus and his men arivved at an island and had killer humioids on it thet took out one of his ships and killed many of his men.
  • Period: 1191 BCE to 1191 BCE

    book ten

    when Odysseus was close to home his crew opened a bag of wids and made them sail back where they started.
  • Period: 1190 BCE to 1190 BCE

    book eleven

    Odysseus and his men arrive at the land of the dead.
  • Period: 1190 BCE to 1190 BCE

    book eleven

    Odysseus and his men do a sacrafice of a goat in order to speak and see the dead.
  • Period: 1189 BCE to 1189 BCE

    book twelve

    Odysseus and his men go across many dangers to attempt to get to ithaca.
  • Period: 1188 BCE to 1188 BCE

    book thirteen

    Soon Odysseus was on his way back home the kings ship was ready to depart from the docks.
  • Period: 1188 BCE to 1188 BCE

    book thirteen

    When Odysseus got droped off at ithaca he woke up thinking he got ship wreaked agian.
  • Period: 1188 BCE to 1188 BCE

    Book thirteen

    Athena comes to give Odysseus a hint that he is home and that his i so close from being home.
  • Period: 1187 BCE to 1187 BCE

    book fourteen

    Odysseus is discised and went to an old friend to talk to but to not give his identity yet.
  • Period: 1187 BCE to 1187 BCE

    book fourteen

    when Odysseus was was about to pass the gate of his old friend his dogs charged at him but Odyssues friend stoped them just in time.
  • Period: 1186 BCE to 1186 BCE

    book fifteen

    telemachus heads back home to ithaca.
  • Period: 1185 BCE to 1185 BCE

    book sixteen

    Athena changes Odysseus discige and go to telemachus to tell him hes his father.
  • Period: 1185 BCE to 1185 BCE

    book seventeen

    Odysseus sees his once puppy laying down almost dead.
  • Period: 1185 BCE to 1185 BCE

    book sixteen

    Telemachus comes home from trying to find his father.
  • Period: 1184 BCE to 1184 BCE

    book seventeen

    Odysseus gets taken to his hall.