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The Odyssey ,Prude

By Cprude1
  • 700 BCE


    Odysseus’ men wanted to steal from the Cyclops and run away. While Odysseus was curious to meet him. Odysseus treated the cyclopes with disrespect because of his ability not to have manners. So when Odysseus gave a plea on how they are good men the cyclopes ate his 12 companions. Odysseus knew that he could open the cave door. So he had to trick the cyclopes by naming himself nobody and then lunging a spear into the cyclops’ eye. Then causing the cyclopes to fall back and open the cave
  • 700 BCE

    Cyclops pt.2

    Cyclops pt.2
    Cyclopes was a one-eyed giant on an island all by himself and his huge sheep. Odysseus and his men came across the island and tried to steal from him. But Odysseus’ men wanted to take a run for it while Odysseus was curious to meet him. The cyclopes didn’t care about the gods or whistle for the god Zeus. The cyclopes didn’t want to invite or host Odysseus and his men’s needs. So when Odysseus didn't want to leave he ate his men. Then Odysseus eventually killed him.
  • 700 BCE

    Bag Of Wind

    Bag Of Wind
    After escaping the cyclopes the god Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of wind. This bag of wind was used to guide them back to their homeland. Odysseus told his men not to open the bag of wind. But instead of listening to Odysseus, they opened the bag. When Odysseus’ men opened the bag it blew them back to Aeolus's island. But when Odysseus asks for another bag of wind he rudely says no.
  • 700 BCE

    Bag of Wind Pt.2

    Bag of Wind Pt.2
    The story, tells us how much his men don’t trust Odysseus. This is because of Odysseus’ previous actions. Odysseus’ curiosity makes his instincts unfavorable because he is only thinking about what’s better for him and not better for him and his men. But it also shows how much the gods respect Odysseus.
  • 12 BCE

    Trojan war

    Trojan war
    The Trojan War was caused by Paris and Helen when they ran together to Troy. Menelaus tried to get her back and asked his brother Agamemnon for help. So he created an army to defeat Troy and its people. The war between The Greeks & the people of Troy lasted for 10 years. But when the greeks pretended to yield they left behind a large wooden horse. But what the people of Troy didn't know is that the Greeks were inside. The Greeks massacred the people of Troy and celebrated in Iliad.
  • 12 BCE

    Trojan horse pt.2

    Trojan horse pt.2
    The people of Troy learned that just because a great big beautiful trophy isn't always what it seems. The life lesson is that just because something seems nice & innocent it isn't always what it seems.
  • 8 BCE


    Circe had magical powers that could turn people into different creatures. Circe turned Odysseus’ men into pigs. Circe invites Odysseus to eat and have dinner with her. But refusing to eat Odssyesus just wants to have his people back. Until then Circe gives his men back. But when they came back the men came back different. They had no more bumps and had muscular bodies. Then Circe gives a warning.
  • 8 BCE

    Circe Pt.2

    Circe Pt.2
    Odysseus will do whatever he has to do to get his men out of trouble. In the story, Odysseus' action was to not leave until he got his men back. This shows that Odysseus cares for his men. Even though his action can get his men in trouble. Odysseus will do what it takes to get them back. Also, Circe then begins to give warnings about the monster that he is next to encounter. Circe’s warning was to not tell his men about the monster because they will back out and become scared.
  • 8 BCE


    Sirens are mythical creatures that sound can lure people with the sound of their voices. Odysseus was warned by Circe to not listen or that he will put himself and his men in danger. Odysseus tells his men to tie himself up. Then put wax in their ears to block the voices of the sirens.
  • 8 BCE

    Sirens Pt.2

    Sirens Pt.2
    This story tells us how much Odysseus cares for his men and will do what it takes to do for them. If Odysseus didn’t listen to Circe he would have been hypnotized and so would his men. Which would eventually crash their ship and kill them in the process.
  • 5 BCE


    Lotus Eaters were a race that lived living on an island that inhabited the lotus tree. The lotus eaters came across Odysseus’ men and introduced the lotus to them. Odysseus’s men ate the fruit from the tree. The tree gave off a special drug that lowered their senses. So they would never want to leave. Odysseus didn’t eat the intoxicating plant. So Odysseus went to find his men and forced them to his ship.
  • 5 BCE

    Lotus-Eaters Pt.2

    Lotus-Eaters Pt.2
    A group of people inhabited the trees of Lotus. When a person eats the fruit of the lotus tree. The fruit gets rid of its senses and desires to leave. The fruit makes it so the people that eat it never want to go and keep eating the fruit of the lotus tree.
  • 5 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla and Charybdis was monster that Odysseus and his men fought. Circe gave instructions on how to defeat the monster. But Odysseus didn’t tell his men about Scylla and Charybdis. He knew that his men would get scared and doubt themselves. When they encounter the monster Odysseus shouted out instructions on how to survive the attack. The empowering words gave his men hope. But even his words couldn’t save his 6 crew members from being swallowed up by Scylla and Charybdis.
  • 5 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.2

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.2
    The text tells us that Odysseus to his men can’t trust him. Odysseus is keeping secrets from his crew. Even though he thinks what he does is right it can make his men not trust him. Odysseus and his crew are supposed to be like a family in everything. But when Odysseus not telling his men about Scylla and Charybdis it led to 6 of his men being eaten.
  • Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    Odysseus and his men journey off to Helios Cattle where fat cattle never die. Helios was the overlord of high noon his land had two sirens that surrounded his island. The voices can lead Odysseus and his men to death. So Odysseus and his men put beeswax in their ears to cover the sound of their lovely voices. Whereas Odysseus tied himself to deny any urge the siren’s voice out on him
  • Helios Cattle Pt.2

    Helios Cattle Pt.2
    This text tells us about the amount of work Odysseus will put in to make sure his people are safe. Since Odysseus knows the danger his curiosity doesn’t put his men in danger. The amount of self-will and control allows him to make smart decisions for his men.
  • Home/ Suitors

    Home/ Suitors
    Odysseus returns to his home after 20 years of being on his voyage. Odysseus disguises himself as a beggar to see his home and how it has been disgraced. Odysseus also found out that Penelope is holding an arrow contest for the suitors that only Odysseus can complete. Odysseus enters the contest and is successful. So since Odysseus has returned he kills the many suitors for disgracing his home.
  • Suitors Home Pt.2

    Suitors Home Pt.2
    Odysseus returns to his home after 20 years of being on his voyage. Since Odysseus has returned he kills the many suitors for disgracing his home. This shows how much Odysseus cares for his home and his family. That Odysseus will do anything to make sure his family will not be disgraced under his watch. Even if it was his men or the two loyal servants.