1200 BCE
The Trojan War
The Trojan war began when Helen of troy was taken from her husband.This lead to many allies go against troy to try and retrieve her. Odysseus was part of this war and forged the plan that truly turned the tides. He introduced the wooden horse as a way to get inside of Troy without being detected and then being able to destroy troy from the inside. Soon after Troy lost and Odysseus began his journey home here. -
1200 BCE
Lotus (pt. 2)
Odysseus however had another idea and refused to leave them. Instead what they did was get the men and tie them back on the ship to bring them along and return home, before moving to sail off. -
1200 BCE
The Cyclopes
Odysseus and his men soon landed on the island of the Cyclopes, which were hated by the Greeks. They were brutes and didn’t care for the the Gods. When Odysseus and his men stumbled upon Polyphemus’s cave and sought to feast on his food, the Cyclops picked off a few of his crew and ate them. Then Odysseus devised a plan to get them out of there, so they followed through getting Polyphemus drunk and poking his eye out. From there they hid on his sheep’s underbellies and returned to the ship. -
1200 BCE
When Odysseus and his men arrived on an island, they were greeted by the sound of pleasant singing. Odysseus devised a plan just in case something went wrong. He split his group up. Half of the crew to stay on the ship with him, and the other half to explore the island of Circe with Eurylochus leading them. What the crew that went to explore the island ended up finding was Circe herself who turned the men into pigs and kept them. Eurylochus ran back to the ship in a panic saying they should just -
1200 BCE
The bag of wind (pt 2)
From there they had to continue on their own since they hadn’t been trusted by the king anymore -
1200 BCE
Circe (Pt 3)
Odysseus and what he wants by setting him and his men free. She also offers to help him for the dangers ahead... -
1200 BCE
Scylla and Charybdis
When it came to leaving Circe's island, Circe gave Odysseus some pointers for what was ahead on their journey back home. After all the sirens she warned about two separate paths, Scylla and Charybdis. Charybdis was like a whirlpool that had the potential to sink the entire ship and possibly get them all killed with it. The ladder was Scylla, a creature with 5 heads that would at minimum take a man for each head. Odysseus hadn't told his men about these two and insisted that they kept going -
1200 BCE
Scylla and Charybdis Pt2
through. When sailing through Scylla came out and as told before, took 5 men for each of the 5 heads that it had. They swiftly made it through after all of the mess was over, feeling bad for the loss of men. -
1200 BCE
Helios' Cattle
Upon sailing past the dangers that were Scylla and Charybdis they came across Helios' island and found his cattle. With their growing hunger they ignored Odysseus' warning and killed them to eat. Odysseus stayed well out of this and it payed off for him. Helios in a fit of Rage asked Zeus to get revenge for his fallen cattle or the sun wouldn’t be up. Zeus got the message and struck down Odysseus’ ship, killing all of his men and leaving him to wash up on king alcinous’ shores. -
1200 BCE
Lotus Eaters
After starting on their way home, Odysseus and his men are swept away by Zeus. After sailing for days the men make landfall on the land of the Lotus Eaters. From there, Odysseus splits his men up, one to scout the island and the other to stay on the boat with him. The men who went to scout found the lotus Eaters and became intoxicated and lost their will to go back home. Odysseus has been told by the leader of the scouts that they have no will to leave and that they should just bail on them. -
1200 BCE
The Bag Of Wind/ Aeolus
After the ordeal with the Cyclopes, Odysseus and his men had made it to the land of king Alsincinous where they were gifted a bag of wind to return to Ithaca. Odysseus told his men that it was simply a bag of wind, but his men didn’t exactly trust him. They thought that he was hiding gold and silver from him, so when Odysseus was asleep they opened the bag containing strong winds and thunderstorms and got them pushed back to the King’s island. -
1200 BCE
Circe (pt 2)
Leave them there. Odysseus however thought differently about this and went onto the island to get his men back. When arriving to Circe, she tried to take him by giving him some wine that would put him under her control. It didn’t work. Odysseus and Circe eventually make an agreeement that he would stay with her in exchange for his men’s return. She obliges and let’s him stay so he can have his men back. Later on though Odysseus goes on a food strike for his freedom. Circe eventually gives in to -
1200 BCE
While still with Circe she warns Odysseus about the dangers ahead on their path to Ithica. The first obstacle is the sirens, creatures in the sea that try to lure out men to their deaths. Odysseus says he wants to hear the sirens so they have a plan to have him tied up while his men cover their ears with wax. After leaving the island, Odysseus must be tied up by his men when passing by the sirens and hearing the song that brings desire. He even has to Ben held back by some until they soon pass.