The Odyssey

  • The battel of Tory

    The battel of  Tory
    The start of Odysseus joney and were he came up with the plan to build a horse that they all climb into os that they can get into the city of Tory
  • The Island Of Cicones

    The Island Of Cicones
    After they left Troy Odysseus and his men stop at the island of Cicones were they ran sacked the city. When they were done Odysseus said it was time for them to leave but the men did not want to. then the Cicones gathered up their troops and fought back killing six men on each ship
  • The Island of Lotus Eaters

    The Island of Lotus Eaters
    After leaving the cicones a storm sent by zeus sweped them a long the ocen for nine day before washing up on the island for the Lotus Eaters. When there Odysseus men were tantalized be the Lotus flower that made them want to stay there can forget about their joruery home
  • The island of the cyclops

    The island of the cyclops
    to get his men of the island of the lotus eaters Odysseus draged his men back to the ship and locked them up so that they cound leave. then after sailing thought the night they landed on the the island of the cyclops were they encounder a cyclops namned Polyphemus. they get traped in Polyphemus cave and the only way out is blocked by a bolder. then Odysseus and his men gave him some wine to get im drunk and fall asleep they stab him is the eye when we was asleep
  • Aeolus god of the wind

    Aeolus  god of the wind
    after escapeing the cyclops island under the bellies of the sheep they arived has Aeolus island were he gave Odysseus a bag of winds to help him on his journey home. but when Odysseus and his men got near Ithaca his men open the bag of winds and sent them back Aeolus island were he refused to give them another bag of winds
  • The Laestrygones

    The Laestrygones
    when Aeolus refused to give Odysseus another bag og winds him and his men came across the island of the Laestrygones were the fierce canniblas devoured his men and destoryed his ships with bolders
  • Circe

    Apon ariving at Circe island Odysseus and his men split up an search the island. so Eurylochus and some men go to explore and they come to a house filled with wild animals that wont attack them. then Circe invites them in for food and drinks that trun them into pigs. After Eurylochus ecaxples and goes an tells Odysseus what happen and gose to save his men. when at the house Odysseus meets Hermes that gives him a drug so he can resist Circe poshion
  • The land of the dead

    The land of the dead
    After Letting Odysseus and his men go Circe told Odysseus that he must go to the under world so he could speak with Tiresias a blind prophet who can tell him the way home
  • Back to Circe Island

    Back to Circe Island
    after leaving the under world and with Tiresias prophesie is mind Circe tell Odysseus about the Sirens and Scylla & Charybolis and how to get past them
  • Sirens,Scylla & Charybolis

    Sirens,Scylla & Charybolis
    When Odysseus and his men reached the Sirens they all the men pluged their ears with beeswax and tied Odysseus to the mast so he cound hear the song. then Odysseus took circes warning and followed the coast by Scylla so that he wound only lose six men reather then being sucked into Charybolis whirlpool and geting them all killed.
  • Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    After scyilla took six of Odysseus they sailed past her and land on the island of Helios and his cattle. when there Odysseus told his men no to harm the cattle becasue his wound bring misfortune for their journey home and so they wound abided by Tiresias prophecy that if they touched Hellios cattle Odysseus wound come home late, no ships and no men, and come home to a world of pain
  • Calypso

    After not listing to Odysseus warning his men ate the cattel and becasue of this got Helios very mad and he threaten Zeus they he woud not bring up the sun anymore if he did not do anything about it. so Zeus cast down a lighing bolt that destroyed his ship and killed off his men and left him afloat in the water where he drifted on the the island of the nymph Calypso.
  • King Alcinious

    King Alcinious
    after seven years Zeus sent hermes with a message for Calypso to release Odysseus. apon this request Calypso only gave Odysseus a raft and told him to sail for 20 days until he landed on the island of Scheria so he could get more help on his journey. apon arriving at King Alcinious he told the stoy of his jourey and inreturn he helps him get back to
  • Return to Ithaca

    Return to Ithaca
    When Odysseus returned to Ithaca he kills all of the suitors, and is reunited with his son, and proved himself to Penelope so she wil take him back