The Odyssey

  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Athen comes to give advice to telemachus
    and is a disguised as mentor,a male family friend
  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    In the book when my father didn't return from the war,these lords of ithaca and the island round about came here,seeking to marry my mother so famed for wisdom and beauty
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    The guys went to a beach and picked up sand and shells.Then he started praying and he saw him and asked him what is he praying for and he said i have a home and food for you
  • 1199 BCE

    book 2

    The eagles where scaring the people out and some them ripped there skin of of got hurt and then the people went to hospital
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    In the book there was men that were talking about kill more animals for food because they needed food to live
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    In book 3 there was odysseus son that got yelled at for doing something wrong
  • 1197 BCE

    book 4

    When they arrive at Sparta, Telemachus and Pisistratus are warmly welcomed. Telemachus is moved to tears by Menelaus' recollections of his friend Odysseus. The king and queen recall some of Odysseus' exploits at Troy but postpone serious talk until the next day.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Back in Ithaca, the suitors have discovered that Telemachus is gone and plan to ambush his ship on its return. Penelope is distraught to learn of her son's trip and the planned assassination but is soothed by a vision sent by Athena
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Zeus advises Athena to help Telemachus return home unharmed, escaping the suitors' ambush
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    The gods have gathered again on Olympus. Poseidon is notably absent, and Athena once more advocates Odysseus' case. Zeus agrees to send his son Hermes immediately to Ogygia in order to liberate the king of Ithaca from Calypso.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    King Alcinous and Queen Arete rule the seafaring Phaeacians on the island of Scheria
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    The Phaeacian section of the Odyssey seems most likely influenced by fairy tales or folk legends
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    The island itself is a paradise. We learn that the Phaeacians once lived dangerously close to the warlike Cyclops, but their godlike king
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    The island itself is a paradise. We learn that the Phaeacians once lived dangerously close to the warlike Cyclops, but their godlike king in those days, Nausithous, moved them to this land of plenty.
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8

    At dawn, Athene goes around the city in town-crier disguise, shouting the news of the stranger's coming and the upcoming feast. Everyone congregates at the palace
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8

    In book 8 odysseus starts talking to his mom
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    Strength that he is really strong and loyal.He is strong physics and mentelle
  • 1192 BCE

    Book 9

    He never gave up he always did his things never stopped.
  • 1191 BCE

    book 10

    Odysseus was trapped on a island and he stabbed the cyclops and he said nobody when the cyclops got stabbed
  • 1191 BCE

    Book 10

    Odysseus does not lie like when he stabbed the cyclops in the eye first he said that he is nobody and then he said it was odysseus
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 11

    odysseus always does his own thing he nevers gives up
  • 1190 BCE

    Book 11

    He always does his own thing and the angry makes him do more stuff
  • 1189 BCE

    Book 11

    odysseus is a very strong man
  • 1189 BCE

    book 11

    odysseus has great humor
  • 1188 BCE

    Book 18

    odysseus in book 18 starts relaxing in his chair and then a fat guy comes and tells him to start working not sitting down
  • 1188 BCE

    book 18

    then they start a fight because odysseus was sitting down because he cant work and he is old
  • 1187 BCE

    book 19

    athena talks to odysseus and his mom
  • 1187 BCE

    book 19

    odysseus get really mad at the person with him
  • 1186 BCE

    book 20

    in book 20 the sutiers start cooking horses legs and they eat that
  • 1186 BCE

    book 20
