The Odyssey

  • City of the Cicones

    Odysseus robbed the city with his men. However, they made the mistake of staying there over night. The city had time to strengthen and they attacled Odysseus and his men the next morning. Odysseus lost six men.
  • Lotus Eaters

    Anyone who drinks the lotus wants to stay there and drink more lotus. Odysseus and his men do not drink it because if they did they would never come home.
  • Poluphemus the Cyclops

    Odysseus landed in the island of the Cyclops. The cyclops traps Odysseus and his men in his cave. Odysseus stabs the cyclops in the eye with his sword. The men excape the cave by wraping themselves under sheep so that the Cyclops will feel the sheep and not the men. Odysseus leaves the island and tells him his real name.
  • Aeolus

    Aeolus is the God of winds. He gives Odysseus a bag of wind to be able to get home. However, Odysseus men think it is a bag of treasure and they open it when they are close to Ithica, forcing them to go all the way back.
  • Laestrygonian Land

    Odysseus fleet get snached like fish and eaten by the giant. The giant is Articia's husband.
  • Aeaean Island

    This island is home of Circe. She tries to put Odysseus under a spell and convert him into an animal. However, Hermes gives Odysseus a plant that will prevent Odysseus from being under a spell. Circe realizes Odysseus cant fall under her spell. She keeps Odysseus there for a year and takes care of him.
  • The Underworld

    Also known as the house of Dead. Odysseus trovels there because Circe asked him too. Something unexpected happens: Odysseus sees his mom Anticleia. She dies from missing him so much. Odysseus talkes to some women and some heroes. For example: Agamemnon, Achilles, Heracles.
  • Return of Aeaea

    Odysseus has a funeral for Elpenor. He burries his oar just like Elpenor asked him to.
  • Scylla and Charybdis

    Odysseus and his men reach these two monsters. Scylla has six heands and she eats six of Odysseus' men. Charybdis is a weerepool and eats everything then throws it back up.
  • Sirens

    Sirens sing songs that draw people in, then they kill them. To avoid getting killed Odysseus is told to but beeswax on his crew member's ears. Then told his crew to tie him down and not let him leave no matter what he says. Like this, they were able to avoid getting killed.
  • Island of the Sun

    Odysseus is told by many Gods, to never ever eat Heliou's catlle. However, throughout the days Odysseus' men become hungry. Eurylochus tells all the men that it is better to die later on than to die starving. S him and the other men eat the cattle for six days. Helious gets mad and says that he wont shine the sun any longer unless Odysseus pays the price for eating the cattle. Zeus says he will take revenge upon Odysseus. He strikes thunder on his boat and kills everyone. Odysseus is left alone.
  • Ogygia

    This is Calypso's island. Odysseus lands here shipwrecked and alone. He no longer has his men. Calypso takes care of him just like Circe did.