The odyssey

  • Jan 1, 1184

    End of Trojan War

    End of Trojan War
    (this is just for refrence)
  • Jan 13, 1184


    Odysseus and his men raid a city stealing supplies , food , adn water, Eventually the city gets tired of it and calls for reinforcments. Odysseus ends up losing allot of men. I think that Odysseus learns thatb he shouldnt be so greedy all the time.
  • Jan 21, 1184

    Lotus Eaters Part.1

    Lotus Eaters     Part.1
    This is the second stop after the end of the Trojan war. Odysseyuses boat was blown of course for nine days, and on the tenth day he landed on the Island of the Lotus eaters.The lotus eaters are people who have eaten the lotus flower. Once you have eaten a lotus flower that becomes the only thing that you think about, you become obbsessed. When odysseuys and his men landed he sent out a scouting group. The lotus eaters fed them the lotus plants adn they forgot all about there journey home.
  • Jan 21, 1184

    Lotus Eaters Part.2

    Lotus Eaters   Part.2
    their Journey Home. Odysseus had to drag his crew back onto the ship. I think that Odysseus learned that he shouldnt be so curios and that he shouldnt trust everybody.
  • Feb 6, 1184

    Cyclops Island Part.2

    Cyclops Island    Part.2
    Odysseus, he will eventually regret this becaus the Cyclops was the son of Poseidon. I Think that Odysseus learned that he shouldnt have such a big ego, and that he shouldnt take things for granted.
  • Feb 6, 1184

    Cyclops Island

    Cyclops Island
    The next stop was the cyclops island they inly landed one boat on the island. They quicklyu found the home of a cyclops in a cave. When they entered they startded to eat the Cyclops food. After a while the cyclops got back and hew wasnt happy about them eating his food so he ate a few of them. The cyclops asked for his name and he said it was "Nobody".Odysseus offered him some whine, which made him fall asleep. While sleeping they blinded him with his club. Odyseuess and his men escaped, but as
  • Jun 13, 1184

    Cicres Island Part 1

    Cicres Island   Part 1
    Odysseus and his crew land on the island, and most of the crew went out to hunt for food. On their way there they found cicres home and she invited them in, they all enterred except for one. She gave them a drink that turned them into animals. The only the survivor went back to odysseus and told him this. So odysseus starts to go up to cicres home but on the way Hermes appears with a magical herb that will resist cicres potion. SO cicre tries to use her potion and it fails so then he persuades
  • Aug 12, 1184

    Cicres island Part 2

    Cicres island      Part 2
    her to swear on the river of sticks that she wouldnt harm him or his crew , and that she would turn his crew back. They stay there for a year becaus time goes very fast in cicres home. When Odyeseus get his men ready to go Cicre tells them that they have to go to the Underworld
  • Jul 26, 1185


    On their trip to the underworld they have two face to challenges he has to get around a whirlpool and kill a 9 headed monster. He somehow manages to get past. Once he makes it to the underworld he has to sacrifice a goat. When he gets their he talks to Teiresias who warns him about the cattle of the sun god, and how to ensure himslef a peaceful death. while in the the underworld he sees his mom and several heroes. I think Odysseus learned that you never know whta you will find in foreign lands
  • Oct 18, 1185

    Sail past the sirens

    Sail past the sirens
    Cicre told Odysseus that in order for none of his crew to be taken by the sirens they need to put bees wax in their ears. But she said if hge wants to hear teh sirens call than he needs to get his crew to tie him down.Everything goes as planned and they smoothly travelk past them.
  • Dec 15, 1185

    Cattle of the Sun

    Cattle of the Sun
    after getting past the sirens they decide to camp on the on the island that has the cattle of the sun on it. They are stuck there a month because of a bad storm and they were running out of food. So while Odysseus is sleeping his crew kills some cattle. The storm cleared up and when they got on the boat Zeus struck them with a lightning bolt. Odysseus starts drifting away on a log. I think Odysseus learns not to ever trust his crew.
  • Jan 26, 1186

    Kalypsos Island

    Kalypsos Island
    Odysseus wakes up on the shore of Kalypsos island. She is a Nymph and keeps him on the island for seven years. He is her "boy toy" and generaly does what she says. After seven years Zeus sends Hermes to tell Kalypsos to let Odysseus go. So she does, they build a raft and she gives him a good breeze and he sets sail.
  • Mar 14, 1194

    Phaiakians Island

    Phaiakians Island
    When Poseidon figures out that he is leaving kaylpsos island he isnt happy so he sinks Odysseuses boat. But he is a good swimmer so he swims to Phaiakians island. There he sees the king of the island. After telling his story to the king the king felt sorry for him so he gave him a boatb and a crew to sail home.
  • Aug 7, 1194


    when Odysseus gets hoem he has to kill the suitors , so him and his son devise a plant to trap the suitors with no weapons and kill them all. They are succcesful and Odysseus meets Penelope again and they all lived happily ever after.