Images 8

The Odyssey

  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Dec 31, 1120

    The Odyssey

  • Jan 26, 1100

    Battle of Troy- Begining

    Battle of Troy- Begining
    odysseus setts off on his journey to rescue Helen from Troy. Not only is this a war of Troy vs. Greece it is a war of Apollo vs. Athena (and other gods). With Athena on the greek's side and Apollo with the Trojans. This battle last 10 yrs and was ended by the notorious Trojan horse.
  • Jan 1, 1110

    Battle of Troy- End

    Battle of Troy- End
    End of the 10yr war of Troy vs. Greece
  • Mar 31, 1110


    After leaving Troy Odyssues's ship lands near the city of Cicones. The Cicones were allies to the Trojans, so Odyssues's crew raided and killed the people of Cicones.
  • May 3, 1110


    Came apon the lotus eaters. 3of Odysseus's men went on to the island, but were foolish to eat the lotus. The lotus' magical powers made the men not want to return home. So Odysseus had to tie them to the ship and set sail.
  • Jul 31, 1110


    after blinding Posiden's son Polyphemus. Posiden and Odysseus become enimies and Posiden curses Odysseus
  • Oct 31, 1110


    Odyseus spends a mounth on the island of Aeolus the wind king
  • Dec 31, 1110


    after the the wind god gave them a wonderful western wind home Odysseus and his crew can see Ithica's shore. But while Odysseus is sleeping his men open the bag of bad winds sending them all the way back to Aeolus's island.
  • Mar 31, 1111


    After being sent back to Aeolus, Odysseus and crew visit laestrygones. But the land is in habited by terrible cannibals who take out each ship except for Odysseus's one ship.
  • Mar 31, 1112

    Aeaea Circe

    Aeaea Circe
    Odysseus tavels to Aeaea, island of the godess Circe. There half the men stay on the ship with Odysseus while half the men lead by Eurylochus explore the island. the witch Circe turns each of Eurylochus' men in to pigs. Odysseus frees the men from the spell, but they r still stuck on Aeaea for 1 year.
  • May 31, 1112

    Land of the Dead

    Land of the Dead
    As directed by Circe Odyssues travels to the land of the dead to listen to the prophecy of the ghost Tiresias. Odysseus meets with his dead mother there and she breifs him on what's going on in Ithica.
  • Jul 31, 1112

    Back to the Circe

    Back to the Circe
    Odysseus travels back to Aeaea and tells Circe of the land of the dead and gains gidence from Circe.
  • Sep 26, 1112

    the Sirens, Scylla & Chaybails

    the Sirens, Scylla & Chaybails
    Odysseus wanted to listen to the sweat music of the sirens. so he was tide to the mast while his crew stuffed bees' wax in their ears. They also encountered the monsters Scylla and Chaybails.
  • Oct 30, 1112

    Helios' Cattle

    Helios' Cattle
    Odyssues tries to make his men not go to Thrinacia, Helios' island, he also warned them not to eat Helios' cattle. But the men are too hungry so eat the cattle. so Helios gets Odysseus' men killed. That leaves Odyseus the only Greek survivor of the Trojan-Greek war.
  • Dec 31, 1112

    Zeus' Lightning Bolt

    Zeus' Lightning Bolt
    Helios mad at the loss of his cattle, threatens to no longer shine. so Zeus strikes Odyssues' ship (with lightning).
  • Jan 1, 1113

    Calypso- Arrives

    Calypso- Arrives
    Odyssues washes ashore Ogygia, Calypso's island
  • Oct 31, 1119

    Calypso- Leaves

    Calypso- Leaves
    odysseus was trapped on Calypso's island (with Calypso) for 7yrs. Calypso let him go only after Zeus sent Harmes to Calypso to tell her to release Odysseus.
  • Dec 14, 1119

    King Alcinous

    King Alcinous
    Odysseus tells Alcinous of his journeys up to this point.
  • Feb 24, 1120

    Returns Home!

    Returns Home!
    After a 20yr long odyssey Odysseus returns home, only to have to slay suiters :( . Luckily Odysseus can handle that and wins his woman back.