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Workers striking and protesting
30,000 people were out of work, they were not paid and therefore couldn't afford food. Strikers persuaded other workers to strike. On 9th March the riots had become worse and the Duma pleaded that the government sent out emergency food supplies. The Tsar refused and ordered that the rioters be put down.The police carried out orders but caused the riots to become worse. They released people from prison and wanted the Tsar to quit. Nicolas then ordered that the duma no longer met. -
Army abandoned the Tsar
On the 8th of March 1917, there were riots outside in Petrograd. This was about the food shortages caused by the farming being forced to go to war. On 12th March the army abandoned the Tsar because they refused to put down their fellow people who were dying of starvation. The soldiers mutinied, put red flags on their guns and the government lost control of the country. -
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Duma abandoned the Tsar
The Duma had setup a 'provisional government ' led by Kerensky. On the 14th of March the Tsar was on a train to Petrograd but was arrested on the way and abdicated on the 15th of March. He first abdicated in favour of his son Alexiei although later change his mind after a few hours. Nicholas then abdicated on behalf of his son, naming his brother Grand Duke Michael as the next emperor. Michael declined and waited until the people were allowed to vote through a Constituent assembly. -
Lenin- leader of the Bolshevik's
Lenin was a highly educated man that was exiled from Russia in 1900 as he was a professional revolutionary. Despite this he returned to Russia in 1917. Lenin was ruthless, a brilliant speaker and a good planer. Lenin had one aim which was to over throw the government. Because of this the Bolsheviks were well led, contributing to the over throwing of the government. -
Uprising in Petrograd
The ‘July Days’ uprising in Petrograd. Workers and soldiers spontaneously revolt, demanding the Soviets or the Bolsheviks take power. Both refuse and the rebellion is crushed by government troops. -
Petrograd Soviet
Bolsheviks hold a voting majority in the Petrograd Soviet; Trotsky elected as chairman. -
Beginning of the October revolution
October Revolution begins. The Bolshevik Central Committee declares that “an armed uprising is inevitable”. The Petrograd Soviet creates Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC). -
MRC arresting
the MRC arrests Provisional Government members in the Winter Palace, except for Kerensky, who has fled. -
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Bolshevik red guards win control of Moscow.
On the 3rd of November the Bolshevik red guards won control of Moscow after a week of fighting The tsarist ranks, titles and privileges are abolished by the new government. On November the 12th there is a vote turnout of 44 million people over 1 week for the Elections for the Constituent Assembly. -
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Germany gave money to the Bolsheviks
The Germans financed the Bolsheviks because Lenin wanted to take Russia out of the war. With the money given to the=e Bolsheviks they were able to fund campaigns and and publicity campaigns. These publicity campaigns made the Bolsheviks well known giving them more supporters.