East timor map

The Occupation of East Timor

  • Carnation Revolution

    Carnation Revolution
    The 1974 coup in Portugal lead to decolonisation among its former colonies creating instability in East Timor.
  • FALINTIL established

    Military wing of the political party FRETILIN established in response to FRETILIN's politicla conflict with the Timorese Democratic Union
  • Balibo Five

    Balibo Five
    Five Australian based journalists are killed along the West Timor border allegedly by Indonesian troops.
  • FRETILIN declares independence

    Following a small-scale civil war, pro-indpendece party FRETILIN declared victory and an independent East Timor after centuries of portuguese colonial rule
  • Indonesian invasion

    Indonesian invasion
    Indonesia invades and occupies East Timor declaring it a province of Indonesia. Indonesia occupied East Timor from December 1975 - October 1999.
  • Period: to

    Indonesian Occupation of East Timor

  • Resolution

    The draft prepared by nations in favour of East Timor's Independence including Algeria, Cuba, Senegal and Guyana was adopted as GA Resolution 3485 called on indonesia to "withdraw without delay"
  • President of the Provisional Government

    Arnaldo Dos Reis Araujo is elected as President of the Provisional Governement for East Timor up untill 17th July 1976
  • Deaths reported during invasion

    Deaths reported during invasion
    UDT leader Lopez da Cruz reported 60,000 Timorese killed during the Indonesian invasion
  • Xanana Gusmao - leader of FALINITL

    FALINTIL is the armed forces of National Liberation of East Timor, the arned wing of FRETILIN
  • Santa Cruz Massacre

    Santa Cruz Massacre
    following a brief confrontation between Indonesian troops and peacefull pro independence demonstrators in the Santa Cruz Cemetery, 200 Indonesian soldiers opened fire on the crowd. At least 250 Timorses were killed.
  • Gusmao captured

    Gusmao captured
    Xanana arrested in Dili by Indonesian military for subversion
  • Xanana Gusmao imprisoned

    Indonesian courts in Dili sentece Xanana to life imprisonment
  • 20th Anniversary of invasion - protest

    Anniversary of invasion marked by protest of 112 East Timorese and sympathisers who enter russian and Ditch embassies in Jakarta
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    A Nobel Peace Prize were awarded to Carlos Filipe Ximenas Belo and Jose Ramol-Horta for ongoing peacefull efforts to end the Indonesian occupation
  • Indonesia considers East Timor's independence

    Indonesia says it will consider independence fro east Timor if people reject autonomy
  • Gusmao under house arrest

    Xanana moved from Jakarta prison to house arrest. Gusmao orders guerillas to resume independece struggle
  • Independence Referendum

    A referendum resulted in 78% of independence from Indonesia
  • Independent Nation

    Independent Nation
    East Timor an Independent Nation Xanana Gusmao is sworn as the country's president
  • Xanana Gusmao President of East Timor

    First president of East Timor when it became fromally independent
  • East Timor Member of the United Nations