The number of people that can be successfully integrated

the number of people that can be successfully integrated

  • 2021 BCE

    he kind of entrepreneuship that can be developed

    he kind of entrepreneuship that can be developed
  • Period: 2021 BCE to

    the number of people that can be successfully integrated

    Refugees who began their life in the host country in detention, or
    isolated for several months in a state of enforced inactivity at a collective reception
    centre for asylum-seekers are likely to be hampered when they later attempt to
    the number that can be successfully integrated is the at least the 70% percent of the people
  • the way your school can help

    the way your school can help
    Schools can provide a safe environment for refugee children and young people and help them settle in their new community. ... Many schools work hard to raise awareness about refugee issues and develop programs to support refugee children and their families, particularly around Refugee Week in June, annually.
  • the potential benefits for local community

    the potential benefits for local community
    Housing, language classes, healthcare, sustenance. All of these things cost a significant amount of money to provide, but once refugees are established in their host country, the initial investment pays off. Refugees start businesses that employ locals, pay taxes and generate wealth.