The North Korea Story

By nickw
  • Period: to

    The North Korea story

  • Korea

    World war ends, south korea becomes independent
  • Korea

    North korea invades the south because the declair independence, starts another conflict
  • Korea

    The Korea war ends because the Armistice, Peace for now.
  • Korea

    The Industrys of North Korea start to grow rapidly
  • Korea

    both the north and south had joined up with the united nations
  • Korea

    Kim Il-sung dies and Kim Jong-il becomes the leader, He becomes powerful and rules the North
  • Korea

    Famine and flooding of north korea kills alot of people, thousands of dollares lost
  • Korea

    North Korea has stoped the propaganda broadcasts against the South and tries to sort things out, there trying to make peace
  • Korea

    A conflict between the north and south breakes out in the yellow sea between two navel vessels, More conflicts are starting
  • Korea

    annonced that North Korea has enough plutonium to start making nuclear bombs, people are starting to worry