Jan 1, 1000
North America first Discoverd by Leif Erikson of Norway.
North America was first discoverd by Leif Erikson, where we know it to be discovered by Columbus; this has caused much controvery for many years between many nations. -
Jan 1, 1349
Norway is struck by the Black Death (bubonic plague)
The bubonic plague struck Norway and cvaused two thirds of their population to lose their lifes. -
Jan 1, 1402
Black Plague hits Iceland.
The Black Plague hits iceland and killed half of the population. Comes back in 1494 and has the same effect. -
King Charles the II invades Denmark
King Charles the II invaded Denmark and forced the Danish king to sign the treaty Peace of Travendal. It was signed at Ryswick and stopped the war between England and France, but did not resolve much between the two countries. -
King Gustav III of Sweden assasinated
King Gustav the 3rd was assasinated by Captian Jacob Johan Ankarstom because he was found to be an oppressive leader and Captain Jacob wanted to continue to live in the air of Liberty. -
Sweden's New Constitution
Sweden Declares a new constitution, that had the effect of restoring political power to the Riksdag of the Estates after 20 years of dipotism. -
New Constitution given to Iceland.
A New Constitution is given to Iceland by the Danish king Christian IX. Which lead to different laws and and rules they had to go by. -
Finland claims their independance
Russia's consumption with it's own civil up risings allowed Finland to acquire the independance it was seeking. -
Right to vote gained by women in Norway.
Norway grants woman the right to vote, this reduced the amount of rebellion needed to reach a more equal society for both sexes. -
Foreign policy change
Sweden begins to change foreign from nonalightment and neutrality to being more involed.This process leads to them joining the united nations -
Norway suffers due to the economic state of the world.
Unemployment reaches a high percentage in Norway and and Norways economy to worsen. -
Peace treaty between Finland and the Soviet Union.
A peace treaty was put into effect regaurding The Soviet Union and Finland, This treaty stated that hostilities between them will come to an end, economic connections will be restored, and addressed many other issues that are still relevent today. This treaty eventually strongly contributed to the restoration of the two countries relations. -
Finland now a member of the EU.
Finland becomes member of the European Union which leads to them becomeing closer and more aware of the others in their continent and to have better communication with whome they did not before. -
Finland adopts to the Euro.
The Finnish mark is replaced by the Euro and is somewhat hard to adjust to for the people. -
Tsunami in thiland effects swedens visiters
Around 20,000 swedens in thiland when Indian ocean tsunami struck,of the countries in europe sweden was effected the most by the tsunami -
Population growth in Iceland
The population grew 2.6% in past year. officials thought this was due to immigration, encourged by the rapid growing economy. -
Shipment of gas and oil.
Iceland and Norway agreed to expand defence cooperation to help secure future shipment of oil and gas. -
People hot and killed by an 18 year-old gun-man.
An 18-year-old shoots and kills seven children, a priciple and himself, bringing attention to the obliging gun laws. -
Norwegian residents arrested for ties to al-Qaeda
Al-Qaeda bomb plots against the USA and the UK were tied to three Norwiegen residents and resulted in their arrest. -
Norway shooting at a teen youth camp
At least 92 people were killed by Anders Behring Breivik at a teen youth camp on the Utoya Island, this was considered to be Norway's 3 hour nightmare.