the night i followed my dog

  • exposition

    the owner of the dog was wondering where was gong he was in a limezen and saw his dog iniside his dog house and then the boy whistle for the dog to come in the house
  • rising action

    Then after he suspected the dog was wearing a tuxedo in a limezen he saw lights inside the doghouse he spied onthe dog and saw him in the tuxedo wearing a bow tie he went to go hid and he saw the dog go in the limezen and drove off
  • climax

    Then after that the boy started to follow the dog on his bike but the limezen was going so fast until alot of red lights stopped it.But then when the limzen stopped he saw hs dog get out and he tried to
  • falling action

    then the boy didn't know what to do but then the dog came and said to the dog guards that it's cool boys he's with me. so you finally found out the truth. and the dog said come in .after that the boy said what is this place.and the dog said this is aplace where dogs can hang out and have fun andif we ask for as shoe and if we bite it nobdy can stop us .and the dog said sit down and then a dog came by and said would you want some chocolate treats and the dog said no
  • resolution

    Then the dog and the boy took pictures of them both having fun at the hotel. then after that the boy and the dog went home. but they did not walk the dog followed the boy on the bike. and they had the time of there lives. oh p.s if you ever hd adog like this then would you think it was weird or cool?