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The New South

  • Alfred H. Colquitt

    Alfred H. Colquitt
    Alfred was born in Walton County in Georgia. He graduate from Princeton University. Alfred and Joseph were friends and they both served in the U.S. Senate.
  • John B. Gordon

    John B. Gordon
    John was a Coal Mine Manager. He also brought new buisnesses to the state. Joseph Brown and John Gordon had companies that utilized the Convict Lease System.
  • Rebecca Latimer Felton

    Rebecca Latimer Felton
    Rebecca was an independent Democrat along with her husband, William Felton. She supported her husband's political causes, she was his campaign leader, and she was a leader in the suffrage movement. She fought to get the right for woman to vote. He and her husband aslo wanted to help the poor and lower middle class people. They hated the Covict Lease System.
  • Henry Grady

    Henry Grady
    Henry Grady was the man that had the idea for The New South. He was also the managing editor of the Atlanta Constitution.
  • Joseph E. Brown

    Joseph E. Brown
    Joesph was the 42nd governor of Georgia from 1857 to 1865 and was also a U.S. senator from 1880 to 1891. He was friends with Alfred H. Colquitt who was also a U.S. senate.
  • Populist Party formation

    Populist Party formation
    This party was also known as the"people's party." It was a political party that was formed in the late 1800's. It was lead by Tom Watson.
  • Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Compromise" Speech

    Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Compromise" Speech
    Booker Washington stood before a white audience at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta. His speech was one of the most important and most influential speeches in American History. The speech adressed how the African-American leaders and Southern white leaders in which Southern Blacks would work meekly and submissive to white political rule.
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    This case came from Louisiana. It was a law that provided "equal but sperte accommodations for the white and colored races" In 1892, Homer Plessy refuesd to sit in a Jim Crow car and it led him in the Criminal Court before Judge John H. Ferguson.
  • Herndon buys Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company

    Herndon buys Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company
    Herndon purchased an insurance company that had failed.
  • W.E.B DuBois "Niagara Movement" Speech

    W.E.B DuBois "Niagara Movement" Speech
    This was a movement where DuBois gathered supporters on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls to form an organization for social and political change. The purpose was to put an end to segregation and to discrimination in unions, the courts, public accommodations, and an equality of economic and educational opportunity.
  • Atlanta Race Riot

    Atlanta Race Riot
    This was a mass civil disturbance in Atlanta that lasted two days. It led to many African-American deaths and few deaths of whites. Also lots of property was damage.
  • Founding of NAACP

    Founding of NAACP
    The NAACP was a foundation for colored people. It was founded in 1909-1910 in New York City by a group of white and black intellectuals.Their goal was to make whites aware of the need for racial equality. It was the earliest and most influeintial civil rights organization in the U.S. An example of this was the Brown v. Board of Education.
  • National Urban League was founded

    National Urban League was founded
    This was an American serivce that founded the purpose of eliminating racial segregation against African-Americans.
  • People v. Leo Frank

    People v. Leo Frank
    This was the situation where a 13-year-old named Mary Phagan, who had possibly been beaten, strangled, and raped. There were two men accused of this crime Jim Conley, a black janitor at the factory where Mary worked and Leo Frank, who was the factory's superintendent, which was the last person to see her alive. It turned out to be that Frank was the really apart of the crime because he helped to hide Mary's body along with the janitor and the janitor blamed all of the crime being Leo Frank.
  • 18th Amendment ratified

    18th Amendment ratified
    The 18th amendment was the prohibition of manufactured, sale, transport, import, or export of alcoholic beverages.
  • County Unit System established

    County Unit System established
    This system was a procedure for political primaries, in which winners were selected by county votes rather than statewide popular vote. This lasted until 1962.
  • 19th Amendment ratified

    19th Amendment ratified
    The 19th Amendment was granted to give women the right to vote.