The New Kingdom from the reign of Ahmose I to that of Tutankhamun.

By meilz
  • 2500 BCE

    Trading expeditions

    • Egypt lacked horses and wood which could be found in Nubia and the Mediterranean. • Pharaoh named Snefru ordered trading expeditions to the Mediterranean Sea. • One expedition between the Nile and Nubia meant Egypt returned with 7,000 slaves and 200,000 cattle.
  • Period: 2055 BCE to 100

    Karnak Temple

    • Cult temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu. • Largest religious building ever constructed. • Was known as Ipet-isu (most select of places). • Built over 2000 years. • Covered 200 acres. • Opet festival was held annually at Karnak and Luxor. ○ Lasted 27 days. ○ Celebration of the link between pharaoh and the god Amun.
  • 1650 BCE


    • Egypt conquered most of Nubia, and called this region Kush. • Lower Egypt fell to the Hyksos at the end of the Middle Kingdom, so Kush became dominant power in Upper Egypt.
  • Period: 1630 BCE to 1521 BCE

    Hyksos dynasty

    • Rise of Hyksos in Egypt was made by an influx of immigrants from Palestine into Egypt. • Immigrants brought new technology such as the horse and chariot, the compound bow, and improved metal weapons. • Settled on the eastern area of the Nile Delta.Achieved dominant roles in trade with Asia. • As the Theban revolt spread northward under Kamose (Hyksos ruler) , in about 1521 Avaris fell to Ahmose, who became the founder of the 18th dynasty and ended 108 years of Hyksos ruling of Egypt.
  • Period: 1570 BCE to 1070 BCE

    New kingdom

    • Egypt attempted to create a buffer between the Levant and Egypt. • Attained territory. • Traded linen and grain in exchange for gold with Nubia.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1525 BCE

    Ahmose I reigned

    • Founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty • Took and held power by completing the conquest against the Hyksos. • Restored Theban rule over Egypt.
  • Period: 1539 BCE to 1075 BCE

    Mortuary temple

    • Place of worship of a deceased king. • Depository of food and objects offered to the dead monarch. • Adjoined the pyramid and had an open, pillared court, storerooms, shrines and a chapel. • In the chapel priests performed daily funerary rites and presented offerings to the dead king's ka (protective spirit). • Kings were buried in rock tombs. • Separate mortuary temples built nearby.
  • 1530 BCE


    • The lords of Thebes drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. • This began the era of greatest prosperity and wealth for Thebes. • Most of the buildings were constructed in the 18th dynasty, and due to the high amount of trade and wealth, it became populated with over 80,000 people. • The pharaohs of the New Kingdom built large temples on both the east and west bank.
  • Period: 1493 BCE to 1479 BCE

    Thutmose II reigned

    • Third pharaoh in the 18th Dynasty. • Campaigned into the Levant and Nubia.
  • 1482 BCE

    Battle of Megiddo

    • Alliance of Canaanite cities was headed by the king of Kadesh and the King of Megiddo. • Army of 20,000 men. • Thutmose III marched for 10 days • Held a war council in Yaham. • Thutmose set out on Aruna rout and reached the river of Qinah , south of Megiddo without encountering opposition. • Enemy soldiers guarded the roads around Megiddo. • Defenders of Megiddo refused to open their gates and fled over walls. • Instead of attacking the city Egyptian soldiers looted abandoned camps.
  • Period: 1478 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Hatshepsut reigned

    • She served as a queen until her husband Thutmose II died. • Claimed the role of pharaoh while acting as regent to her step-son Thutmose III.
  • Period: 1478 BCE to 1425 BCE

    Thutmose III reigned

    • He officially ruled Egypt for almost 54 years, however this includes 22 years when he was co-regent to Hatshepsut.
  • 1400 BCE

    Luxor was founded

    • Located in the Nile about 312 miles south of Cario. • Became one of Egypt's largest urban centers, and eventually served as Egypt's capital. • Population of about 50,000. • Temple situated on the east bank of the Nile River. • Temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu.
  • Period: 1386 BCE to 1349 BCE

    Amenhotep III reigned

    • Took the throne of Egypt when he was 12.
  • Period: 1349 BCE to 1334 BCE

    Akhenaten reigned

    • Built many temples and structures, such as the "Rud-menu" temple. • Declared Aten was the only god, and that he was the only intermediary between the Aten and the people. • Caused crisis as Egypt was a monotheist religion.
  • Period: 1333 BCE to 1320 BCE

    Tutankhamun reigned

    • Became pharaoh two years after marrying his sister. • Famous from his tomb being discovered in 2007. • Reversed the religions made by his father Akhenaten.
  • Period: 1319 BCE to 1292 BCE

    Horemheb reigned

    • Last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty.