1920s - 1930s

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  • Birth of a Nation

    highly racist full length film
  • 18th Amendment

    guiz drinkin iz bad for u leik totes stahp / Prohibition of alcohol / Volstead Act of 1919 enforced it because having written down on one piece of paper obviously wasn't enough
  • Seattle General Strike

    All unions in Seattle and 65000 additional workers including the AFL and IWW demanded higher pay for shipyard workers / Mayor Ole Hanson believed it to be a Bolshevist uprising and called for federal troops
  • Palmer Raids

    wave of bombings made the theat of radicals in US appear real / 30 mail bombs / Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer
  • Boston Police Strike

    70% of Boston's policemen went on strike seeking the moolah / Gov Calvin Coolidge called the Nat'l Guard because public safety should not be at risk
  • Great Steel Strike

    AFL attemted to organize the steel industry / strike was portrayed as a communist movement so all the strikers looked like communistic a-holes
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  • Immigration Act

    Ended open immigration with a limit and quota system
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Case

    Italian anarchists and athiests who dodged WW1 draft were convicted of killing 2 peeps in a robbery in Massachusetts
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  • National Origins Act

    reduced immigration by a tinkly wee bit because the 1921 Immigration Act was thought of as weak
  • Scopes Trial

    Fundamentalists challenged Darwinism / High school bio teacher got in troubles for teaching evolution / wtf come on guys
  • 1st Solo Flight across the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh
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  • Agricultural Marketing Act

    designed to help farmers help themselves
  • The Great Crash

  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Highest peace-time barrier in USA history / increased from 38.5% to 60% / upset foreign coutries
  • 5,761 total banks closed

  • Bonus Army troubles

    14,000 unemployed veterans marched on Washington and Hoover had them removed
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  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Gave the Treasury Department the power to open sound banks after ten days and to merge or liquidate unsound ones
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    100 Days

    FDR experimented to find what works
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    CCC / employed 2.75 million young men in outdoor gov't camps for outdoor projects
  • Banking Crisis

    total of 10,951 failed banks
  • Agriculture Adjustment Administration

    AAA / attempted to eliminate low prices by paying farmers to reduce crop acreage
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    FERA / gave $3 billion to states for dole payments or wages on work projects
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    TVA / intended to reform the power monoply of utility companies by building hydroelectric power plants in TN valley
  • Home Onders Loan Coporation

    HOLC / refinanced mortgages on about 1 million non-farm at low interest rates
  • National Industrial Recovery Administration

    NIRA / biggest attempt to get US industry back on track / Section 7(a) workers were formally guaranteed the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing / Yellow Dog contracts were forbidden
  • Glass-Steagull Banking Reform Act

    Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) so that individual deposits of up to $5,000 were federally insured
  • Public Works Administration

    PWA / created by NIRA / granted money to the state and local gov't to provide wages for public projects
  • 21st Amendment

    repeal of prohibition
  • Federal Housing Administration

    FHA / spurred the building industry with small loans to homeowners
  • Securities and Exchange Commission

    SEC / designed to protect the public against fraud, deception, and inside manipulation of the stock market
  • Butler vs US

    court ruled regulatory taxation provisions of the AAA as unconstitutional
  • Works Progress Administration

    WPA / employed nearly 9 million people for public projects
  • Rural Electrification Administration

    REA / provided loans and WPA labor to electric cooperatives to build electric lines to rural areas not served by private companies
  • Schechter vs US

    court ruled NRA unconstitutional
  • Wagner Act

    Reasserted the right of labor to engage in self-organization and to bargain collectively through representatives
  • Social Security Act

    Provided old-age pensions for retired workers / provided federal-state unemployment insurance
  • Judiciary Reorganization Bill

    attempt by FDR to remove old conservatice justices
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Set miniumum wage and 40-hour week