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The new deal

By O_.23
  • Farm credit administration

    Farm credit administration
    The FCA regulates and examines the banks, associations, and related entities of the farm credit system, a network of borrower owned financial companies that provide farmers with credit as well as ranchers. This allowed farmers to prosper.
  • Tennessee valley authority (TVA)

    Tennessee valley authority (TVA)
    This corporation is to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development to the Tennessee valley a region majorly affected by the Great Depression. This helped the people of Tennessee prosper.
  • Federal deposit insurance corporation (FDIC)

    Federal deposit insurance corporation (FDIC)
    The FDIC protects depositors funds if the bank or thrift institution they invested in or deposited in fails this was created to counteract all the banks closing in the 1920s and ever since not one depositor has lost a single cent of insured funds as a result of failure.
  • Federal housing authority (HUD today)

    Federal housing authority (HUD today)
    The HUD today helps the elderly, people with less money, and people with disabilities rent housing.
  • Security and exchange commission (SEC)

    Security and exchange commission (SEC)
    The mission of the U.S. securities and exchange commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. This sustains economic growth and can make people more money.
  • Federal Communications Commission

    Federal Communications Commission
    The FCC is to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. I guess you could say this helped keep people a little safer.
  • Social security act

    Social security act
    The social security act established a basic right to a pension in old age as well as insurance against unemployment. This allowed elderly people to be retired and still get paid by having a pension.
  • National labor relations board (part of Wagner act)

    National labor relations board (part of Wagner act)
    The NRLB is responsible for enforcing the U.S. labor law in relation to collective bargaining and unfair labor practices. This helps keep big businesses from implementing unfair labor practices.