
The New Deal

  • The Securities and Exchange Commision

    The Securities and Exchange Commision
    The SEC regulated the stock market and prevent fraud. It is successful becaused it could attract more funds after citizens started to put their money back to the banks.
  • The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    The FDIC provided government insurance for bank deposits up to a certain amount. It is a successful step, which greatly increased public confidence in the banking system.
  • The Home Owners' Loan Corporation

    The Home Owners' Loan Corporation
    The HOLC bought the mortgages of many homeowners who were behind in their payments. It was a good idea but not pragmatic. In the end, it made loans only to homeowners who were not farm owners and who were still employed.
  • The Farm Credit Administration

    The Farm Credit Administration
    It helped farmers refinance their mortagages. It was not successful in long-term goals that it helped mostly poor farmers, which seemed unable to pay back.
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    Emergency Banking Relief Act
    This new law required federal examiners to survey the nation's banks and issue Treasury Department licenses to those that were financially sound. It was not only successful but also necessary that it was the only way to regain citizens' confidence of the banks, and i was very necessary that the nation was experiencing a national bank holiday, which was a very severe situation.
  • the Securities Act of 1933

    the Securities Act of 1933
    It required companies that sold stocks and bonds to provide complete and truthful information to investors. Just like the Emergency Banking Relief Act, the Securities Act was a necessary step of rebuilding a credible American banking system.
  • The Agricultural Adjustment Administration

    The Agricultural Adjustment Administration
    The government would pay some farmers not to raise certain livestock, and not to grow certain crops, as well as dairy products. The administration helped to regulate the prices of goods, and also help the poor farmers which means it was successful.
  • The National Industrial Recovery Act

    The National Industrial Recovery Act
    The NIRA suspended antitrust laes and allowed business, labor, and government to cooperate in setting up voluntary rules for each industry. This Act provided many benefits to the workers. Eventually, it would prevent the manufacturing system from strikes.
  • The Civilian Conversation Corps

    The Civilian Conversation Corps
    The CCC offered unemployed young men 18 to 25 years old the opportunity to work under the direction of the forestry service planting trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs. It was kind of successful that it helped the unemployed citizens, but it wouldn't work very long.
  • The National Recovery Administration

    The National Recovery Administration
    The NRA had limited power enforce the codes, but urged consumers to buy goods only from companies that displayed the blue engle. Just like the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, it is not successful since it didn't pay attention to those small companies.
  • The Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    The Federal Emergency Relief Administration
    The FERA channeled money to state and local agencies to fund their relief projects.
  • The Public Works Administration

    The Public Works Administration
    The PWA began building highways, dams, sewer systems, schools, and other government facilities to put unemployed back to work.
  • The Civil Works Administration

    The Civil Works Administration
    The CWA hired workers directly. It is an expedient act to help people survive the winter.
  • The Works Progress Administration

    The Works Progress Administration
    The WPA was the largest public works program of the New Deal
  • The Committee for Industrial Organization

    The Committee for Industrial Organization
    The CIO organize unions that included all workers, both skilled and unskilled, in a particular industry. It successfully let people hear the voices of the workers, and, as more and more people join this organization, it became a federation of industrial unions.
  • The National Labor Relations Board

    The National Labor Relations Board
    The NLRB was set up by the National Labor Relation Act, which orgnized factory elections by secret ballot to determine whether workers wanted a union. It successfully protected the benefits and rights of the workers, and stopped unfair practices, such as spying on workers.
  • The National Labor Relations Act

    The National Labor Relations Act
    This act guaranteed workers the right to organized unions and to bargain collectively. It successfully protected the benefits and rights of the workers, and stopped unfair practices, such as spying on workers.
  • The Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act
    The major goal of of the act was to provide some security for older Americans and unemployed workers. It was very successful that it covered the benefits of almost all the disadvantage groups, such as old people, unemployed people, and single-parent family.