Proclamation of Nuetrality
George Washington issued a statement to the U.S. citizens, stating they could not help either side; Britian or France, with the war. This helped the U.S. buy making sure they did not get reeled into another war. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams issued a series of laws that helped him eliminate critiscism against himself and to increase the strength and security of the U.S.. These laws were: to be a U.S. citizen, foreigners must first live 14 years inside the U.S. legally. The next law he made was: the president can remove a foreigner if deemed dangerous to the U.S. or its people. The last law states: no one may work against govt. or its operations. -
War with Tripoli
Thomas Jefferson solved the war with Tripoli by demonstrating the power of the U.S. navy. After Tripoli declared war, Thomas sent a navy fleet out to end conflict. After the U.S. invaded Tripoli, a peace treaty was signed to end the war on June 4 1805. In turn, this victory increased he U.S. navy's size. -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson made one of the best realestate deals of the century. He bought 830000 spuare miles of land from France while making another deal in New Orleans. This made the U.S. double in size over night. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
The Battle of Tippecanoe (Tip-eh-can-ooh) involved the indians and James Madison. The battle happened in the Northwest territory of the U.S.. The indians attacked an army base just before morning but failed terribly. Thanks to this, Indian rights were nearly ereased entirely. -
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe issued a statement that no more Europeans could settle in North or South America without a war started with U.S.. This helped to eliminate European rule Europeans claiming more land in the Americas. -
Tariff of Abominations
John Quincy Adams put up a tariff that caused all foriegn manufactured goods to increase in price. This caused the South though to have to pay more for goods and got less money for their raw goods since they had less factories to manufacture goods. -
Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson put in law a way for him to make treaties for the Indians in the south to move to the west and into federal territory. This allowed settlers to have more connected land in the South.