The Nazi Party up until 1933

  • An armistice was signed ending World War 1

  • Period: to

    The Nazi Party pre 1933

  • Hitler joins the Nazi Party

  • The Sa are formed

  • Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party

  • Failed attempt of the Munich Putsch

  • Hitler serves 9 months in prison

  • Hitler leaves Landsburg prison

  • The Nazi Party wins 24 seats in the Reichstag

  • The SS are formed

  • Max Amann publishes first volume of Mein Kampf

  • The Nazi Party wins 14 seats in the Reichstag

  • Joseph Goebbels takes over the propaganda unit in the Nazi Party

  • Max Amann publishes second volume of Mein Kampf.

  • The Nazi Party has a membership of 178,000

  • Wilhelm Frick becomes the first Nazi to become a minister in a state government.

  • The Nazi Party wins 107 seats in the Reichstag

  • Ernst Roehm is appointed chief of staff

  • Paul von Hindenburg defeats Adolf Hitler in presidential elections

  • The SA is banned

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.

  • The Nazi Party fails to win an overall majority in the Reichstag

  • Reichstag passes the Enabling Bill.

  • 23rd March, 1933Adolf Hitler uses the Enabling Bill to exclude communists from local government.

  • Adolf Hitler increases the number of Nazis in his government.