
The National Bread Assimilation (NBA)

By Jxxd3
  • B.A.A is formed

    B.A.A is formed
    This served as the earliest form of the NBA. Founded in North America in 1946. Only had 16 teams but was the foundation for a national league where any player could participate.
  • NBA is formed

    NBA is formed
    B.A.A. and NBL merge, forming the official NBA. This an international league based in North America. This opens up economic opportunities for many countries, allowing an open market for players to shine and money to be made.
  • Introduction of the Shot Clock

    Introduction of the Shot Clock
    In my primary source, "Basketball was born here" it is documented how "stalling", a technique used in basketball to keep a lead was frowned upon in the league. This led to numerous solutions being implemented, but the most noticeable one is the shot clock. It limited the amount of time the team could hold the ball too 24 seconds, but its second, lesser-known purpose was to keep games engaging and fast paced for viewer consumption. Less possessions means more shots, which increases viewership.
  • The Dream Team

    The Dream Team
    The NBA participated in its first Olympics event in 1992. It put together a team that would later go on to be dubbed the "Dream Team", due to the caliber of players and dominance in the Olympics. This inclusion of NBA players on a national stage of this proportion not only brought attention to the league, but to other countries and basketball associations well.
  • NBA Finals History

    NBA Finals History
    This NBA finals game has become the highest rated, and most watched NBA game on record. This series between the Bulls and the Jazz has also become the highest rated NBA finals on average.
  • National Banking Assocation

    National Banking Assocation
    At the end of the 2018-2019 season, it was reported that the NBA made 8.76 billion dollars. This is through merchandising, tickets, sponsorships, etc. However, all these steps previously mentioned, shaped the NBA into the monkey making monopoly that it is today.