The NASA timeline

  • The first satellite

    On october 4 1957, the first signal satellite from space was launched.It was a success and changed NASA history.
  • The National Aeronautics

    on 1958 The National Aeronautics and Space administration is established in the U.S it replaced the national advisory committee on aeronautics
  • First photo from Another planet

    oct.4 the first photo of another world in space
  • Friend ship-7

    feb. 20 friendship 7 project mercury carries John h. Glen,jr and orbits the Earth three times
  • First crew space craft

    mar. 23 the first crewred space craft to change orbit
  • first inpact to another planet

    oct. 1 was the first inpact into another planet ( venus )
  • first maping of the moon

    aug. 14 fist maping of the moon
  • apollo 8 mission

    first apollo to use the saturn v rocket
  • first man on the moon

    first human on the moon
  • apollo oulit

    the apollo space craft was ouilt
  • apollo 13

    apollo 13 didn't get enough air and mission faild