Bouchot   le general bonaparte au conseil des cinq cents

The Napoleonic period-Julene Rouco

  • Coup d'etat of the 1799

    Coup d'etat of the 1799
    The 9th of November of 1799, Napoleon after he comes from Egipt, he declarate a coup d'etat. After that, the goberment pass to be a directory to be a consulate
  • Period: to

    The consulate

    Afther the end of the Directory, Napoleon stablished the Consulate. In these consulate, three consuls have executive powers, but all the power was concentrated in the first consul: Napoleon Bonaparte, before the begining of the Napoleonic Empire in 1804
  • Napoleon becames the Emperor of France

    Napoleon becames the Emperor of France
    The 2nd of December of 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte named himself the Emperor of France, with a general aproval. The coronation was in the church of Notre Dame
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    The First Frech Empire/Napoleonic Empire

    After the fall of the First French Republic, Napoleon established a monarchy called The First French Empire or the Napoleonic Empire. In his maximum splendour, they conquered the most of western and central Europe, and a lot of colonial domains and clientelistic states
  • The batle of Austerlitz

    The batle of Austerlitz
    The 2nd of December of 1805, Napoleon fight against the russian-austrian forces, the zar Alejandro I and the austrian emperor Francisco I. When Napoleon sees that the enemy had the highlands, he ideated a plan: he made that he retired of the battle to bring down the enemies and have the battle equality
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    Spanish War of Independence

    The Spanish war of Independece was a conflic between Spain and France, because Napoleon stablish in the Spanish power his brother Jose Bonaparte. After the Spanish people win the war, all the French troops they retired
  • The battle of Waterloo

    The battle of Waterloo
    The battle of Waterloo was the last battle of the Napoleonic wars. After Napoleon encroach the Netherlands, the meeting point of the Seventh Coalition. Afther Napoleon loses these battle, the Fist Empire of France was ended