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The Napoleonic Era

  • Coup d'etat- Political

    Coup d'etat- Political
    This event ended the revolution and started Napoleon's reign. The Coup made the Consulate Government with three consuls. Napoleon was named first consul. This meant that he could rule more as a dictator. The purpose of the Consulate was to bring order and stability to France.
  • National Bank- Economic

    National Bank- Economic
    The National Bank of France was created by Napoleon to support the French economy. The bank made paper money that became the currency of France. It started out as a institute that managed state depts. The bank was run by fifteen different banking houses.
  • Concordat of 1801- Social

    Concordat of 1801- Social
    The Concordat of 1801 was an agreement between Napoleon and the Pope that the power of the Roman Catholic Church would be given to the papacy. This agreement also made the church the majority religion in France. The power though was going Napoleon's way.
  • Louisiana Purchase- Economic

    Louisiana Purchase- Economic
    The Louisiana Purchase was a piece of land that sold for 15 million dollars in the United States. The money was spent very well in the French military. The wealth gave them the best weapons, and uniforms. This also benefited the U.S because it doubled the size of their territory so they could keep expanding.
  • Abolishing Rights Based on Birth-Social

    Abolishing Rights Based on Birth-Social
    In the Napoleonic Code, Napoleon states that he wants to give rights to businessmen and common people. This is not how the rights were in France during the revolution. The estates system during the revolution was not an idea that Napoleon was going to have in his empire.
  • Napoleonic Code- Political

    Napoleonic Code- Political
    The Napoleonic Code was a set of laws that were enforced throughout Napoleon's rule. The laws were divided into three sections. Persons, things, and actions. The code is famous for being one of Napoleon's greatest achievements. The law made the men of France more powerful than women. It took all of the individual rights away from the women in France.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor-Political

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor-Political
    On December 2nd, 1804 Napoleon became emperor of France. This is a big move because France had not had a single person in charge for eleven years. Napoleon didn't want to face the same fate as Louis XVI, so he called himself the closest thing to a king, an Emperor. The Pope had come all the way from Italy to crown him the Emperor. But as the Pope was putting the crown on his head Napoleon took the crown and put it on himself. This was a symbol that he thought he was more important then the pope.
  • Battle of Austerlitz- Military

    Battle of Austerlitz- Military
    This battle is said to be one of Napoleon's best achievements in his reign. Napoleon defeated both the Austrians and the Russians in this battle. Also, this victory brought the Holy Roman Empire to their knees. This win for the French empire increased their territory by quite the margin. The event also lead to the creation of the Confederation of the Rhine.
  • Continental System-Economic

    Continental System-Economic
    The Continental system was set up so that Britain could not trade with any of the countries that had been taken over by France. This was Napoleon's way of defeating Britain. If he couldn't do it by military, then he would do it by destroying their economy. This affected Britain a little but, the merchants found other markets and started to trade again.
  • University of France is Created- Social

    University of France is Created- Social
    The University of France was created in 1808 by Napoleon. He wanted to build a strong country with well educated people in it.His way of doing that was to make secondary schools and other educational facilities. Napoleon wanted the schools to focus on subject like math, science, political science and military.
  • Battle of Wagram- Military

    Battle of Wagram- Military
    The Battle of Wagram was fought in 1809 between the French and Bavaria. Six weeks before the battle Napoleon had just lost a previous battle. During those six weeks Napoleon planned a strategy that would win him the next battle that was coming. The battle was bloody and ended with the signing of an armistice that would end the war.
  • Battle of Borodino-Military

    Battle of Borodino-Military
    This battle happened at the end of the Russian Campaign. The Battle of Borodino was said to be one of the most bloody days of the Napoleonic era. The French were drove deep into the countryside. Russians kept retreating until the French caught up with them in the little town of Borodino. There the French army rolled over the Russians and kept on their journey to Moscow.
  • What Should Napoleon Be Known For

    What Should Napoleon Be Known For
    Napoleon should be remembered as a tremendous conqueror and a military genius. Since the Napoleonic era no one has been able to create such an army as Napoleon. We also use many of the ideas from that time in the present day. The Napoleonic era came with some outstanding creations such as the Banking system in France. In conclusion, I think that we should remember Napoleon as on of the most impressive leaders to ever do it.