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The Mystery of Bigfoo

  • Introduction

    This timeline was created to represent the mystery of Bigfoot. The different encounters and artifacts that have been collected over time and how they have affected the overall image of Bigfoot. While the idea of Bigfoot Is still largely a mystery, a lot of these artifacts and stories show promising evidence of it being true.
  • Original Sighting of Bigfoot

    Original Sighting of Bigfoot
    Colonists in Great Barrington, Massachusetts were scared by a series of break-ins, where they described a “wild man” stealing food and shiny objects and then leaving their homes. They described this creature to seem to have the features as humans but much larger. The creature was supposedly captured and put into a cage and sent to Cambridge where a couple days it was mysteriously freed by a random woman.
  • Two Hunters Encounter Bigfoot in Similar Regions

    Two Hunters Encounter Bigfoot in Similar Regions
    An article came out in The New York Times that stated similar stories about a creature in northern Massachusetts regions. Specifically stating a story about two hunters who encountered a large creature with wild eyes and red fur.
  • Tracks of Bigfoot Feet are Discovered

    Tracks of Bigfoot Feet are Discovered
    A new line of tracks appeared along Bluff Creek road. Men inspected the tracks and determined that they were not marks of men or from a bear.
  • Joshua Buhs Blog Post on Bigfoot Discoveries

    Joshua Buhs Blog Post on Bigfoot Discoveries
    Joshua Blu Buhs posted on his blog about a creature that a man named Jerry Crew encountered in the mountains of northern California. He says that pictures show a “Broad-chested, short-haired man with big glasses, a strong chin, and prominent ears”. Throughout their discoveries Crew found footprints that were too large to be of normal human origin.
  • Jack Cochran Spots Bigfoot

    Jack Cochran Spots Bigfoot
    Jack Cochran discovered a “big hairy thing” that was standing in a clearing when he was logging in the forest. He states that it was about six and a half feet tall with black hair and very large shoulders. After this sightings he determined that it was bigfoot that he saw, however he described that soon after the creature gracefully walked away into the forest.
  • Harry and the Hendersons Debutes

    Harry and the Hendersons Debutes
    The movie Harry and the Hendersons came out and showed Bigfoot as a friendly creature that is commonly misunderstood and actually needed protection from the family in the movie.
  • Communication with Bigfoot

    Communication with Bigfoot
    A man and his wife lived next to October Mountain and Appalachian Trail. In the summer they were woken up by howling noises and wood knocks. The man decided to knock back and he heard responses from a creature. Afterwards these strange things continued to happen and in January the man reported seeing a creature that was approximately seven feet tall with reddish eyes.
  • Bigfoot Gains a Scientific Name

    Bigfoot Gains a Scientific Name
    The non-governmental organization ZooBank gave the same Homo sapiens cognatus (blood to humans) to this creature known as Bigfoot. In order to do this they were required to provide blood, tissue, and fur samples but it still does not confirm the creatures existence.
  • Sighting in Massachusetts

    Sighting in Massachusetts
    A couple was driving through the mountains of Williamstown, Massachusetts when they saw “a black furred creature” that was walking upright in a field that they had suggested was over seven feet tall.