Sonic the Hedgehog
Even though the first Sonic Game was first released 21 years ago, it has one of the most recognizable soundtracks for generations of gamers. Composed By J-pop musician Masato Nakamura the music utilized the on-board Yamaha YM2612 synthesizer Sound Chip.
Bit-rate 8bit
Sample Rate 22KHz -
Sonic CD
Designed for the Sega Mega-CD, a console add-on for the sega mega drive allowing for use of CD-ROMs, this Sonic game had two different soundtracks, the japanese one composed by Naofumi Hataya and the US Version was composed by Spencer Nilsen.
Bit Rate-16bit
Sample Rate- 44.1 kHz -
Sonic 3D
Seirou Okamoto, Tatsuyuki Maeda, Jun Senoue, and Masaru Setsumaru, were incharged of composing the soundtrack of this isometric plateform game.
Bit Rate- 8bit
Sample Rate- 22KHz -
Sonic Adventure
This sonic game was first produced for the sega Dreamcast and features a soundtrack with 69 tracks in total and was composed by Takahairo Fukada, Fumie Kumatani, Jun Senoue, Masaru Setsumaru, Kenichi Tokoi
Bit-rate 64
Sample Rate 44.1 KHz -
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Made to celebrate the 15th anniversary this sonic games franchise, this 2006 version of sonic the hedgehog was produced for the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360. It’s music was written by Tomoya Ohtani, Mariko Nanba, and Hideaki Kobayashi, with Namano Mushrio, and the Japanese Geroinic Band & Symphony. and because of these new console's hardware and larger storage copacity games are able to include much more complex music than previous consoles.
BIt-rate 32bit
Sample Rate 48 kHz -
Sonic Generations
This version of the sonic games has a very interesting soundtrack because of the game utilizes a time travel plot that allowed the composers of the game’s music to incorporate and remix music from past games in to this new game. The game’s music was remixed by Jun Senoue and Tatsuya Kozaki, with guest remixes done by Tomoya Ohtani, Kenichi Tokoi and Naofumi Hataya.
BIt-rate 32bit
Sample Rate 48 kHz