The Murders of James Chanyy, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwener

  • Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner

    Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner all went out to investigate a church that was burned down and the men were never seen again. At least not alive
  • Murder

    The 3 young men were killed by the KKK, because the had been working to get blacks registered to vote. In Neshoba County, Mississippi
  • Found

    The bodies of James, Andrew, and Michael were found 44 days after their deaths and after they were missing.
  • Prison

    Seven men were convicted on federal conspiracy charges and each given sentences to 3-10 years in prison. But 18 men were arrested for having connections with the killings but then later got out of prison.
  • KKK

    This showed that the KKK or others didn't care what race you were but as long as you were supporting the other race that meant they didn't like you.
  • Effected

    The murders of James, Andrew, Michael effected everyone. Chaney's family got death threats and the house they were living in got shot up. All the families were sent to the white house.
  • Justice

    Edgar Ray Killen (ring leader of KKK) was charged with 3 counts of manslaughter for all 3 deaths and with another less charge. He was arrested with 7 other members that were still living at the time.