The Murders of James Chaney,Andrew Goodman,Michael Schwerner
More than 80,000 people voted by using freedom ballots. -
The Murders of Chaney,Schwerner,Goodman
James Chaney ,Micheal Schwerner ,Andrew Goodman were missing -
Early 2004
They are still investigating and in early 2005 -
The Murders of James Chaney,Micheal Schwerner, Andrew Goodman
A young man had found were the boys were burned at -
The Murders of Chaney,Schwerner,Goodman
They were burned on a newly-constucted area seven miles from Philadelphia -
James Chaney,Micheal Schwerner,Andrew Goodman was no longer living -
Edgar Ray Killen
Had killed James Chaney,Micheal Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and also he was charged with 3 counts of murder