Apr 21, 1526
The beginning of the Mughal Empire
the beginning of the Mughal Empire started in April 21 in 1526. It started with the battle of panipat when the forces of Babur a cenrtral asia ruler defeated the Lodi Empire of north India. In the beginning the empire was very unstable with a lot of war and aggression -
Jan 25, 1531
Death of Babur
Babur dies and passes on his empire tho his son Humayun's -
Jan 25, 1531
start of Humayun's
Humayans was the son of Babur he started out as not such a good ruler he lost land in north India the was taken by the he was a weak leader and people wanted his uncle to be the leader of the empire -
Jan 25, 1540
Loss of land new allies
in 1540 Humayun's and his empire lost land to there rival the Sur dynasty. Humayun's and his empire where driven out of north India. Humayun's took refuge with the Safavid rulers in Persia these created a strong bond and a new allie -
Jul 23, 1555
taking back North India
in the year 1555 HUmayun.s takes advantage of the death of both Sher Shah Suri and his son and successor, Islam Shah. with a army provided by his new allies the perisa empire that he puts under leadership of Bairam Khan who takes back control for humayun's and the Mughal empire and restores back power to the mughal empire in north India -
Jan 27, 1556
Death of Humayun's
in the year 1556 humayuns stops for a daily prayer going down the steps carrying books he slips and falls he was fatally injured and dies three day later -
Nov 5, 1556
Akbar takes over control of the mughal empire
Akbar the son of humayun's takes control of the empire with Bairam Khan the general who beat the Sur dynasty who trys to attack agian the same year they are defeated which solidifies Akbar's control of the empire -
Jahangir becomes emperor
1605 Jahangir succeeds as emperor. Jahangir succeeds as emperor, thanks to the immense support of the harem women.