Astronomy 12

The most significant events in astronomy

  • 13,000 BCE

    The Big Bang

    The Big Bang
    ( From 13 - 20 billion years ago)This theory states that, in the beginning, the universe was all in one place. All of its matter and energy were squished into an infinitely small point, a singularity. The laws of physics which applied at that instant are not understood at all. Something unknown caused the universe to explode, and thus began the expansion that we see today.
  • 2000 BCE

    Our Calendar

    Our Calendar
    First solar-lunar calendars
  • 1923 BCE

    Galaxies outside de Milky Way

    Galaxies outside de Milky Way
    Hubble shows that galaxies exist outside the Milky Way galaxy
  • 1781 BCE

    Discovery of Uranus

    Discovery of Uranus
    The discovery of Uranus by Hershcel
  • 1668 BCE

    First reflecting telescope

    First reflecting telescope
    The first reflecting telescope was built by Newton
  • 1666 BCE

    Polar caps noted by Cassini

    Polar caps noted by Cassini
    Martian polar ice caps are noted by Cassini
  • 1543 BCE

    Heliocentric theory of the universe

    Heliocentric theory of the universe
    Copernicus publishes his heliocentric theory of the universe
  • Sep 13, 1572

    Discovers a supernova in constellation

    Discovers a supernova in  constellation
    Tycho Brahe discovers a supernova in constellation of Cassiopeia
  • Galileo uses telescope for astronomical purposses

    Galileo uses telescope for astronomical purposses
    Galileo uses telescope for astronomical purposes. He discovers 4 Jovian moons, the Moon's craters and the Milky Way galaxy.
  • First liquid rocket fuel

    First liquid rocket fuel
    Robert Goddard uses first liquid rocket fuel
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik, first object to orbit the Earth, launched by the Russians.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Explorer 1 launched. This was the first U.S. satellite to orbit the Earth.
  • Jupiter´s origin

    Jupiter´s origin
    Galileo discovers origin of Jupiter's Rings.
  • NASA looses mars climate orbiter ...

    NASA looses mars climate orbiter ...
    NASA loses the Mars Climate Orbiter and the Mars Polar Lander.
  • Space Shuttle

    Space Shuttle Endeavor makes a detailed, global map of Earth
  • Water on MARS

    Water on MARS
    New evidence found for water on Mars.