Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
Many people died from this tsunami as a result of thermal injury from the blasts. The tsunami wiped out and washed away 165 coastal villages. The magnitude of the Earthquake was unable to be found. 36,000 people lost their lives. -
Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
On All Saints Day, a large part of the population was attending mass at the moment the earthquake struck. The churches, unable to withstand the seismic shock, collapsed, killing worshippers. The magnitude reached a nine and the Tsunami killed 20,000 people. -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
An enormous wave estimated at nearly 100 feet high crashed onto the shore. A lighthouse located 30 feet above sea level smashed into pieces. The magnitude of the Earthquake reached an 8.1 and killed 160 people. -
Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
The Great Chilean Earthquake was a megathrust quake which caused subduction of the Nazca plate. The Tsunmai's were a cause of most of the damage done. The earthquake reached a magnitude of 9.5 and killed 61 people. -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
It took between two to seven minutes after the earthquake for the first of the destructive Tsunami waves to strike coastlines. The tsunmai occured mainly on the southwestern shores of Okushiri. The magnitude of the earthquake reached 7.8 and the death toll was 120. -
Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
In the town of Chenega affected by this earthquake and tsunami out of 25 villages, 76 residents drowned. The only building that survived the wave impact was the school house located 100 feet above sea level. The magnitude of this earthquake reached 9.2 and killed 130 people. -
Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)
After the earthquake areial asessments have shown significant damage and signs of large landslides. The death toll continued to rise due to sanitation issues after the tsunami. 2,100 people died. The magnitude reached 7.1. -
Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
This tsunami occured in the Indian Ocean. The tsunami was caused by 600 miles of slippage. Ten billion dollars were lost due to material damage. The magnitude of this earthquake was 9.1 and killed 230,000. -
Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
The earthquake occured in a region of high seismicity with 14 lare earthquakes in the region since early 1900s. Natural faulting caused the earthquake. The magnitude reached 8.1 and killed 200 people. -
Chile Earthquake (Chile)
A huge landslide was a result of this earthquake. Aftershocks from the quake instigated the mass extraction of people from Iquique beaches. The magnitude reached 8.8 and killed 700 people. -
Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
More than 120,000 buildings were destroyed. Financial damage resulted to be about $199 billion. The magnitude reached 9.1 and killed 20,000 people. -
Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)
Indonesia sits right among the Ring of Fire so this earthquake and Tsunami was well expected. One of the most active volcanoes helped catalyze this event. The magnitude reached 7.5 and 1,400 were killed.