The Monkey's Paw

  • The White's are enjoying a nice family evening in front of the fire

    Mr. White, his wife, Mrs. White, and their son, Herbert, are sitting outside their family home in England in front of the fire.
  • Sergeant-Major Morris arrives.

    Sergeant-Major Morris, a friend of Mr. White arrives. He tells the Whites about his time spent in the army in India. He introduces the paw to Mr. White.
  • The Whites inquire about the monkey's paw.

    The paw, is old and mummified. Herbert and Mr. White examine it while Mrs. White grimaces. Sergeant-Major Morris tells them the paw has the ability to grant three wishes, but it is cursed.
  • Mr. White wishes for 200 pounds.

    Despite what Sergeant-Major Morris tells him about the monkey's paw being cursed, Mr. White retrieves it and makes his first wish for 200 pounds.
  • The White's get a visit from a well dressed man in a suit.

    After wishing for 200 pounds Mr. White watches for this delivery, instead they are visited by a man from Herbert's job.
  • The Whites are informed about Herbert's death

    The visit from the well dressed man was to inform the Whites that their beloved son Herbert died in a horrific accident at work. To help with the loss, they are given 200 pounds. Mr. White's wish came true but he lost his son. Do you think Mr. White should have listened to Sergeant-Major Morris?
  • Mrs. White wishes for Herbert to be brought back to life.

    It has been about a week since Herbert's death and the Whites are overcome with sadness and grief. Mrs. White begs Mr. White to use the monkey's paw and wish for Herbert to come back.
  • There's a pounding at the door.

    Shortly after making the wish, the Whites hear a terrible pounding at the door. Mrs. White believes it is Herbert, but Mr. White tells her not to answer. Do you think it i Herbert? Why do you think Mr. White does not want to answer the door?
  • Mr. White makes the final wish.

    While Mrs. White is struggling to answer the door, Mr. White scurries to find the monkey's paw before the mysterious thing is let inside. As he finds the paw, he makes the third and final wish and the knocking stops. What do you think Mr. White wished for?
  • The street is empty.

    After making his last wish and the knocking stops, Mr. and Mrs. White open the door to find that Herbert is not there and the street is empty. What do you think happened? Can you come up with an alternative ending to the story?