Jan 1, 1100
Temujin unites
Temujin conquers his rivalsand unites the mongol clans -
Jan 1, 1200
Mongols Emerge
In the 1200's a nomadic tribe know as the momgols, known for there brutal and efficient military forces arrive from central Asia -
Jan 1, 1200
Mngolian burst
The Mongols burst from Central Asia with the largest land empire -
Jan 1, 1206
Genghis Khan
Temugin gets the title Ghenghis Khan which means universal ruler. Siege Warfare: Surronding and blocking a city or town to capture it -
Jan 1, 1227
Genghis Khan dies
Genghis khan dies leaving the mongols under control of most of asia -
Jan 1, 1235
Conquest of China
Kubalai Khan is determined to conqure China -
Jan 1, 1236
Golden Horde
The Golden Horde Controlled by Khans grandson takes the task of conquring Russia and psrts of Europe Golden Horde: One of the four Khanates or regions that was given to Khans grandson -
Jan 1, 1260
Kublai Khan
Kubalai khan becomes the great khan of thr Mongol Dynasty -
Dec 11, 1279
Kubalai Khan
Kubalai Khan is conqured -
Dec 11, 1294
Kubalai Khan
Kubalai Khan dies song dynasty: chinese rule in the south -
Dec 11, 1295
marco polo
After his return to venice he is captured and tells storys of his great aventure Kamikaze:then storms now:suicide bomber -
Jan 1, 1300
Black Death
Most of Europe is wiped out because of black death Black Death: Dissease that started in Europe -
Jan 1, 1368
Zhu Yuanzhang
Pesant Zhu Yuanzhang and his rebal army overthrow the the last mongol emperor and takes the name Hongwu which means vastly martial -
Jan 1, 1398
Hongwu dies -
Jan 1, 1400
forbidden City
The forbidden city is built for the emperor, his servants, and faimly Forbidden city: A great city were Chinas common people were not allowed and had 35 foot high walls with a moat ment for the emperor and his servants and faimly -
Dec 11, 1402
Yonglo Hongwus son takes control and becomes emperor of yhe ming dynasty -
Dec 11, 1405
Zheng He
Zheng He a Chenese muslim admiral leads several voyages around the indian ocean -
Dec 11, 1424
Yonglo dies -
Dec 11, 1433
Zheng He
Zheng Hes pacifc voyages end -
Dec 11, 1433
Over Sea Voyages
Once the was a new emperor the over sea voyages were cancled Junks: trading ships -
Dec 11, 1500
European traders and christian missionarries come to chian and the emperor isolates china -
Dec 11, 1500
Chinese people are only allowed to trade with certain foreign merchants and only at certain places -
Dec 11, 1500
New crop from the americas comes such as corn and sweet potatoes which increased crop output -
Dec 11, 1500
MIng dynasty
MIng dynasty starts to fall apart because of several week rulers -
Matteo Ricci
Matteo Ricci a Italian Jesuit priest arives -
Ming Dynasty
Ming Dynasty ends -
Manchu takes the capital bejing and the last ming emperor kills himself to avoid being captured -
Qing dynasty
last dynasty for 3500 years -
Kangxi and Qianlong
Under the rule of Kangxi and Qianlong Qing China flourished. They reduced taxes and freed pesants Queue: A braid -
Qing writer
The author Cao Zhan wrote dream of the red chamber which is considerd to be Chinas greatest novel -
Qialong brought the Qing dynasty to its full patential -
300 million
By 1750 the population increased to 300million because of agriculture production and a great economy -
British offcial arives
A british official came to china to discuss expanding trade but the chines saw his product was bad and saw it as disrespect Kowtowing: Kneeling before the emperor and touching your forehead to the ground -
Closed society
The Europeans wanted to trade with the chinese but it ended up with the Qing dynasty toppling and the becoming impearial rule