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  • Period: 1401 to


    The Renaissance was an European artistic, political and economic period after the Middle Ages, which began in Florence, Italy, and is said to have occurred between the 14th and the 17th centuries, and which bridged the gap between the Middle Ages and Modern civilization, thanks to the Renaissance, philosophy, literature and classical art were rediscovered.
    Some of the scientist and writers of the Renaissance are:
    Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, and Descartes.
  • 1420

    Florence Cathedral's dome

    Florence Cathedral's dome
    Before the rebirth It was thought that it was impossible to build a dome of the size of the Florence Cathedral without It collapsing, although similar structures such as the Pantheon had built before.
    The creator, Brunelleschi, came Up with a desing that include two domes, one on top of the other, he also adeed a system of chains, to distribute the weight.
    Constructions began in 1296 and took a total of 175 years.
    Although the works hace bien cancelled several times.
  • 1498


    The pietá of the vatican, is a marble sculpture, measuring 1.95m, the works was commissioned by Cardinal Jean Bilhèresnde Lagraulas in 1497, and ordered It to Michelangelo, and wanted It to be a Virgin Mary, with the dead Christ in her arms, and It was installed in the church of Santa Perronilla on August 6, 1499, in 1517 the work was exhibited in the Basilica of St. Peter and in 1964 was exhibited at the world's fair in New York.
  • 1509

    School of Athens

    School of Athens
    The school of Athens was painted between 1509 and 1511, its author was Raphael Sanzio, who since his adolescente was considered a child Prodigy, and one of the great masters of the high renaissance.
    Renaissance painting is considered one of the most revered in the history of art, and represents Ancient Greece.
    It measures 500x700 and is located in the Vatican museum, Italy.
    In the painting you can find colors such as: beige, yellow, and gold.
  • Period: 1516 to 1556

    The reign of Carlos I

    Carlos I of Spain was born in Ghent in 1500.
    Carlos I achieved during his reign in Spain a maximum economic prosperty.
    Carlos I tried to realize the beginning of a Christian Empire, but he needed the union of his kingdoms, which he achieved in 1526, by the treaty of Madrid, and by the duchy of Burgundy, which defeated Francis I in 1522, and in 1529 Francis I regained It. That caused Carlos I to propose the Habsburgo diet. And in 1555 he left his Empire and his properties to his brother Fernando.
  • Period: 1520 to 1521

    The Revolt of the Comuneros in Castilla

    The war of the communities of Castile or the Revolt of the Comuneros took place during the reign of Carlos I, between 1520 and 1522. It was one of the first bourgeois revolts or and anti-fiscal movement, It was due to political instability in the Crown of Castile in the 16th century.
    In 1517 Carlos I brought nobles and clergymen and that caused fear in the Castilian elites, that provoked urbano revolts, and in 1521 the leaders, Padilla, Bravo and Maldonado, were beheaded.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The peace of Augsburg was the resolution to a conflict started in 1517 by Martin Luther's, it was an agreement between the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, for greater religious freedom in Europe, the agreement was that the Prince of each state within the Holy Roman Empire, decide between Lutheranism or Catholicism as a religión.
    Citizens who disagreend could practice the religion of their choice.
  • Period: 1556 to

    The reign of Felipe II

    Felipe II of Spain, also called "The prudent", was king of Spain 42 years and 240 days, until the day of his death, he was also King of Naples and Sicily since 1554, and of Portugal and Algarbes.
    From 1580 he achieved a dynastic union that lasted sixty years.
    And he was also King of England and Ireland between 1554 and 1558 due to his marriage with María I.
  • Period: 1568 to

    The Eighty Years War

    The Eighty Years' War, also known as the Revolt of the Low Countries and the Flanders Wars, was a war between Spain and the Low Countries.
    It was the uprising of a group of heretic rebels, and before the Dutch It was a justified fight against a tyrant sovereign Who did not respect the old privileges and liberties.
    The war gave rise to the Dutch nation.
    Some of those involved are: the Prince of Orange, the military Julián Romero, the Duke of Alba, and Francisco de Valdés.
  • Period: 1568 to 1571

    The rebellion of the Alpujarras

    The rebellion of the Alpujarras was a conflict in Spain during the reign of Felipe II.
    The Moorish population of the kingdom of Granada attacked against the Pragmatic Sanction of 1567, because It limited their cultural freedoms. When they managed to win, they decided to deport the more than 80,000 Moors to different parts of the Crown of Castile.
    Felipe II was devasted by the massacres of priests, deaths, expulsions and more than 1,500 sales of slaves in Spain.
  • Jan 5, 1579

    Signment of the Union of Arras

    Signment of the Union of Arras
    The Union of Arras was an agreement signed on January 5, 1579, by some provinces of the southern Low countries, which recognized the sovereignty of Philip II, for the 80 years war, for example, France formed these provinces since 1659.
    Provinces such as Namur, Luxemburg and Limburg did not sign the agreement and the other provinces made the Union of Utretch.
  • Jan 23, 1579

    Signment of the Union of Utrecht

    Signment of the Union of Utrecht
    The Union of utretch was an agreement in the Dutch city on January 23, 1579 between the rebellious provinces of the Low countries, by the war of the 80 years, is considered the origin of the republic of the united provinces. In support of the Spanish crown, the provinces led by William of Orange.
    The treaty dealt with the right of each provinces to maintain its traditions.
    Between 1579 and 1581 the Union of the following territories: Holland, Zeeland, Friesland, Frente and Overijssel.
  • The defeat of the Spanish armada

    The defeat of the Spanish armada
    The invencible Armada, also known as La Grande y Felicísima Armada, was a maritime militar y expedition, which after triumphing in the Battle of Lepanto, the Spanish monarch Felipe II ordered the dethrone Elizabeth I and invade England, this was in the Anglo- Spanish war between 1585-1604, and although they lost the war in the English Channel, because the strong wind made navigation imposible, It continued 16 years more until the Treaty of London, which favored Spain.
  • Period: to

    Baroque Art

    The Baroque was a period of history in Western culture, which was originated for a new way of conceiving art.
    It emerged at the beginning of the 17th century in Italy, and the spread to most of Europe. For a long time the Baroque was called: deceptive, whimsical and overloaded, although It is also any artistic style opposed to classicism. It was later revalued by Jacob Burckhardt, Benedetto Croce and Eugenio d'Ors.
  • Apollo and Daphne

    Apollo and Daphne
    Is a sculpture created by the artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, with the help of his pupil Giuliano Finelli, between 1622 and 1625, and is on display in the Borghese Gallery in Rome.
    Apollo and Daphne was one of Bernini's last sculptures for Cardinal Scipione Borghese.
    The sculpture can be seen from different angles, from one you can seen Apollo has captured the fugitive and the horror of Daphne and on the other side It seems that Daphne does not care about anything and you se Apollo scared.
  • Saint Peter's square project

    Saint Peter's square project
    St. Peter's square was built in 1656, It is located in front of St. Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican City, the square was built because before there was the ancient circus of the emperor Nero, because he was crucified there in the years 67.
    The architect and sculptor was Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the square is 320m long and 240 wide.
    Bernini chose to make these two curves because It means: an embrace of fraternity to all Catholics.
  • The Spinners

    The Spinners
    Velázquez's painting is one of the most famous and one of the greatest examples of mythological works, also called The Fable of Aracne.
    The picture was painted for a patron, not for the king. In the painting each of the people would competence in creating a tapestry, Atena wove imagen predicting Destiny and Aracne wove the loves of the Gods.
    Velázquez was somewhat inspired by Titain's painting. The painting talks about the stolen of Europa, in which Atenea is seen punishing Aracne.
  • Period: to

    Neoclassical art

    Neoclassical art arose in part against the Rococo style, which had dominated European art since the 1720s.
    Neoclassical received a great impetus from archaeological discoveries, particularly the exploration and excavation of Roman cities. The had linear designs on colors, effects of light and atmosphere, engravings used to be on sculptures, and paintings of Greek vessels, which are seen in the illustrations made by the sculptor John Flaxman.
  • Oath of the Horatii

    Oath of the Horatii
    The Oath of the Horatii which is also know as: Le Serment des Horaces is a painting by Jacques-Louis David in 1784, before the French Revolution, and is considered a paradigm of neoclassical painting, and is located in the Louvre Museum.
    It was commissioned by King Louis XIV.
    In It you can seen the Roman salute.
    It represents te Civic virtud and heroism, which develops the civil duty, thing that men are supporters and feelings thing that women are defeated.
  • Carlos IV of Spain and his family

    Carlos IV of Spain and his family
    Francisco de Goya was the painter of King Carlos IV, his most famous painting was the family portrait in 1800, Goya was inspired by the painting of the meninas.
    In It we can seen that the try to show a strong and united family nucleus.
    In that painting were children, grandchildren, brothers and sons in-law. In the painting you can seen the roles of each members, the most evident is that the King is not in the centre, because is occupied by his wife, Queen María Luisa, who went down in history.