• 1400

    Renaissance:It is an artistic movement that emerged in Italy (Florence) during the 15th century (Quattrocento) and 16th century (Cinquecento) and spread throughout Europe (France, Spain, England, Germany...)through painting, sculpture and the architecture

    Renaissance:It is an artistic movement that emerged in Italy (Florence) during the 15th century (Quattrocento) and 16th century (Cinquecento) and spread throughout Europe (France, Spain, England, Germany...)through painting, sculpture and the architecture
    Influenced by humanism, its characteristics are the representation of reality through the search for beauty, order, harmony and proportion, interest in human anatomy and the recovery of Greco-Roman art. It is a faithful representation of nature through the introduction of a third dimension, depth or perspective. The appearance of patronage of art by the upper classes will mean the commercialization of art. Donatello,Botticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael or Brunelleschi.
  • 1420

    Florence Cathedral's Dome wikipedia

    Florence Cathedral's Dome wikipedia
    Is located in Piazza Duomo in Florence, Italy. It took 156 years to build it. It was made by Brunelleschi. It is considered one of the most important constructions built in Europe since Roman times, which is due to the fundamental relevance it has had for the development of architecture and the modern conception of construction. The oculi on the 8 faces and the drum give light to the structure. The dome is covered with red tiles with eight white ribs that separate them from the marble.
  • 1498


    Is one of the most outstanding paintings by the artist Raphael Sanzeio. It is a Renaissance work and is located in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. Today the works were used as part of a commission to decorate rooms as frescoes. The technique used was fresco painting, which consists of painting on a covered surface.The Academy of Athens was a school founded by Plato himself around the 4th century BC for the teaching of philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine and rhetoric.
  • 1498


    Vatican City, Italy. The Pietà del Vaticano comma is a marble sculptural group made by Michelangelo between 1948 and 1499. Today its style is Renaissance.The work represents the moment in which the Virgin Mary receives the body of Jesus and holds him in her arms before he dies. Its measures are 174*195*69cm, it was made of white marble and carved by hand from a dotted block. The most represented feeling is the pain and despair of a mother who loses her child.
  • 1520

    THE REIGN OF CHARLES I The reign of Charles I begins in 1516 when he becomes the heir of the Trastámara dynasty (Catholic Kings) and the Habsburg dynasty, obtaining a large number of territories in Europe, Africa and America.

    THE REIGN OF CHARLES I  The reign of Charles I begins in 1516 when he becomes the heir of the Trastámara dynasty (Catholic Kings) and the Habsburg dynasty, obtaining a large number of territories in Europe, Africa and America.
    Charles I will be elected emperor of the Holy Roman-German Empire, becoming Charles V of Germany, the most powerful monarch in Europe,defender of Catholicism against the Protestant Reformation, as well as against the expansion of the Muslim Turks. In addition, it will have to resolve a large number of conflicts throughout all its territories,mainly facing the kingdom of France for control of territories in Italy, obtaining victory and turning the Austrian Empire into the maximum hegemonic power.
  • 1520

    THE REVOLT OF THE COMUNEROS IN CASTILLA The Castilian cities rebelled against Emperor Charles V because they considered him a foreign king, who did not speak Spanish or Castilian customs, and wanted to be paid for his candidacy for emperor.

    THE REVOLT OF THE COMUNEROS IN CASTILLA  The Castilian cities rebelled against Emperor Charles V because they considered him a foreign king, who did not speak Spanish or Castilian customs, and wanted to be paid for his candidacy for emperor.
    The commoners defended that their only queen was Juana I of Castile and the true queen of Castile, despite the fact that her state of madness had been declared and she had been confined to a monastery in Tordesillas,with Charles I acting as king of Castile.The war between the Castilian cities and Charles I ended in 1521 with the Battle of Villalar, where the commoners will be defeated and their leaders Juan Bravo, Padilla and Maldonado will be beheaded for having rebelled against the king.
  • 1555


    The Peace of Augsburg comma was a treaty between Charles the Fifth and the Schmalkaldic League, which was a military alliance of Lutheran Princesses within the Holy Roman Empire. It was signed in the imperial city of Augsburg. What this treaty achieved was to officially end the religious struggle between the two groups and made the legal division of Christianity within the Holy Roman Empire permanent.
  • 1556

    THE REIGN OF FELIPE II began with the abdication of Charles I to his son Philip in 1556, to whom he will leave most of his territories except the Austrians and the title of emperor that he will leave to his brother Ferdinand II.

    THE REIGN OF FELIPE II began with the abdication of Charles I to his son Philip in 1556, to whom he will leave most of his territories except the Austrians and the title of emperor that he will leave to his brother Ferdinand II.
    Will have to continue facing the Protestant countries in defense of Catholicism through different religious wars, in addition to having to try to stop the Turkish-Muslim expansion across the Mediterranean.In 1580 he will become king of Portugal and will become the monarch of all the Iberian kingdoms.It will continue with the confrontations with France fighting for European hegemony and will have to resolve new conflicts such as the independence of the Netherlands, which will lead to a long war.
  • 1568

    THE REBELLION OF ALPUJARRAS (1568-1571) It is a Moorish rebellion that occurred in 1568 after Philip II approved a Pragmatic Sanction in 1567 that prohibited the Moorish population from speaking in Arabic as well as dressing and following Arab customs.

    THE REBELLION OF ALPUJARRAS (1568-1571)  It is a Moorish rebellion that occurred in 1568 after Philip II approved a Pragmatic Sanction in 1567 that prohibited the Moorish population from speaking in Arabic as well as dressing and following Arab customs.
    The war will spread throughout the kingdom of Granada, in the Alpujarras, where 30,000 Moors will face the Hispanic army led by Don Juan of Austria, half-brother of Philip II, who manages to defeat the insurgents and pacify the area. After the war, more than 80,000 Moriscos were deported to Western Andalusia and other areas of Castile. However, these measures created a large demographic vacuum that negatively affected the economy, since the Moriscos were mainly dedicated to cultivating the land.
  • 1568

    THE EIGHTY YEARS WARS (1568-1648) Known as the War of Flanders or the War of Independence of the Netherlands, it was a conflict in the territories of the Netherlands that lasted for eighty years and ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia.

     THE EIGHTY YEARS WARS (1568-1648)  Known as the War of Flanders or the War of Independence of the Netherlands, it was a conflict in the territories of the Netherlands that lasted for eighty years and ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia.
    The conflict will be caused by a nationalist issue related to the desire for independence of the Netherlands from the fiscal and military abuses of the Spanish monarchy, in addition to a religious issue due to the advance of Protestant ideas that threatened the hegemony of Catholicism. The conflict ended with the Hispanic recognition of the independence of the Netherlands and marked the beginning of the decline and loss of prestige of the Hispanic empire of the Austrians.
  • 1579


    The Union of Arras was an international agreement signed in the town of Arras by which certain provinces of the southern Netherlands recognised the sovereignty of Philip II in the context of the Eighty Years' War and through the Treaties of Nijmegen. They agreed some points: expulsion of foreign troops; the organisation of the Council of State; 2/3 of the members of the Council of State were to be accepted by all members;Catholicism was to be the only religion. Wikipedia.
  • 1579


    The Union of Utrecht is regarded as the foundation of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces, which was not recognized by the Spanish Empire until the Twelve Years' Truce in 1609.The treaty was signed by Holland,Zeeland, Utrecht,and the province,not the city of Groningen. The treaty was a reaction of the Protestant provinces to the 1579 Union of Arras. The Union of Utrecht allowed complete personal freedom of religion.
    Wikipedia & Cultura Genial.
  • 1579

    The defeat of the Spanish Armada by England

    The defeat of the Spanish Armada by England
    The 1588 Spanish Armada was a fleet of 132 ships assembled by King Philip II of Spain (r. 1556-1598) to invade England, his 'Enterprise of England'. The Royal Navy of Elizabeth I of England (r. 1558-1603) met the Armada in the English Channel and, thanks to superior maneuverability, better firepower, and bad weather, the Spanish were defeated.
    Mark of divine favour for the supremacy of Protestant England over Catholic Spain.
    FUENTE: Word History Encyclopedia
  • BAROQUE ART: It is a cultural and artistic movement (Rome) and that spread throughout Europe, linked to the Church and absolute monarchies, becoming through painting, sculpture, architecture or music, in a propaganda vehicle for the power of absolutism.

    BAROQUE ART: It is a cultural and artistic movement (Rome) and that spread throughout Europe, linked to the Church and absolute monarchies, becoming through painting, sculpture, architecture or music, in a propaganda vehicle for the power of absolutism.
    In the Baroque to the artist's imagination and the use of techniques to create effects, illusion and movement through curves and through the use of a strong contrast between lights and shadows. The Church, the upper classes and the monarchs will become patrons of the Baroque artists with the aim of capturing their grandeur. Artists such as Caravaggio (painting), Bernini(sculpture) and Borromini (architecture) will revolutionize art with large doses of theatricality and exaggerated ornamentation.
  • Apollo and Daphne (1622-25) by Gianlorenzo Bernini

     Apollo and Daphne (1622-25) by Gianlorenzo Bernini
    The sculpture “Apollo and Daphne,” created by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, is a notable work of Baroque art. Depicting the climax of the story of Apollo and Daphne as told in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. The sculpture displays the moment when Daphne is transforming into a tree to avoid Apollo’s advances, and Bernini’s masterful handling of marble produces a dramatic effect. The artwork highlights Bernini’s skillful control of materials, as well as his talent for creating theatrical pieces.
  • The Square - Piazza San Pietro

    The Square - Piazza San Pietro
    This monumental elliptical space, enclosed by 284 Doric columns four rows deep (196m wide and 148m long),is the masterpiece of Gian Lorenzo Bernini,who laid it out during the pontificates of Alexander VII and of Clement IX. Every Sunday at noon, people gather to recite the Angelus and receive the Pope's blessing from his window. A red porphyry stone on the northwest side of the square, marks the spot where Pope John Paul II was shot.
  • The Spinners, 1657 by Diego Velazquez

    The Spinners, 1657 by Diego Velazquez
    One of the most famous paintings by him, and an example of his great mythological works, also known as the Spinners. This painting in fact comprises two pictures. In the background, the artist has depicted a scene from mythology. The goddess Athena, wearing a helmet, is threatening the weaver Arachne, because she made a tapestry about the goddess’s father, Jupiter, raping the nymph Europa in the form of a bull. The goddess condemns Arachne to weave eternally, turned into a spider.
  • NEOCLASSICAL ART.France.That emerged in opposition to the Baroque, which implies the abandonment of decorative excess and the representation of feelings and passions, to be replaced by the reason and the return to classical values of Classical Antiquity.

    NEOCLASSICAL ART.France.That emerged  in opposition to the Baroque, which implies the abandonment of decorative excess and the representation of feelings and passions, to be replaced by the reason and the return to classical values of Classical Antiquity.
    It is a refined art that tries to capture in a simple way, through painting, sculpture and architecture, objective reality through reason and the principles of the Enlightenment movement, in the context of industrialization and the scientific movements. It will be characterized by harmony, symmetry and geometry, abandoning the religious world of the baroque to represent a new world based on reason and progress. Jacques Louis David, Juan de Villanueva. The Capitol or the Arc de Triomphe.

    Art Archive
    Museo del Prado
    Cultura genial