• 1469

    Isabel and Fernando got merired

  • 1476

    Juana la beltraneja angainst isabel batle of toro

  • 1478

    Fernado and isabel put the inquisition

    Fernado and isabel put the inquisition
  • 1492

    Christopher colombus

    Christopher colombus
  • 1492

    Complete the reconquista of granada

  • 1511

    death of juana la loca

    death of juana la loca
  • 1516

    charles acceded to the throne

    charles acceded to the throne
  • 1529

    a protest against charles

  • 1571

    felipe II win the turks in the battle of lepanto

  • Felipe I send the armada invencible

    Felipe I send the armada invencible
    intended to invade England. However, it was defeated, marking a significant blow to Spain’s military prestige.
  • War of Sucesión

    The war started in 1701, when Felipe de Anjou was proclaimed King of Spain as Felipe V by Charles II in his testament. vs Carlos de Austria. win felipe V
  • reing of kings of 28th century

  • end of the war of sucsecion

  • Felipe V abdicated

    he let his throne to Luis I
  • Luis I died

    he died Jung
  • Fernando IV

    asumed the power of Luis I
  • Fernando died

    Fernando died
    in 1759
  • Charles III go to the throne

    Charles III go to the throne
    he did a lot of good things
  • End of the Modern Ages