

By ErikaGt
  • 1066

    Norman Conquest of England: 1066

    Norman Conquest of England: 1066
  • Period: Jan 1, 1066 to Jan 1, 1066

    Norman Conquest of England: 1066

    The major events that define the Middle English Period are at the cusp of the era, the Norman Conquest of England in 1066 and marking the close of the time was the arrival of printing in Britain and the English Reformation. Because of the Norman invasion of England, the Old English era ended as the Normans brought French politics, fashion, architecture and most importantly the language (Durkin, 2013).
  • 1209

    University of Cambridge is formed: 1209

    University of Cambridge is formed: 1209
  • Period: 1209 to 1209

    University of Cambridge is formed: 1209

    The University of Cambridge is formed by scholars from Oxford. The scholars had migrated to Cambridge from Oxford to escape hostile townsmen. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organization represented by a Chancellor.
  • 1210

    English becomes the dominant language of all classes: Late 13th Century

    English becomes the dominant language of all classes: Late 13th Century
    Under Edward I, royal authority is consolidated in England and in Wales. England becomes the dominant language of all classe
  • Period: 1210 to 1210

    English becomes the dominant language of all classes: Late 13th Century

    Under Edward I, royal authority is consolidated in England and in Wales. England becomes the dominant language of all classes
  • 1215

    Magna Carta: 1215

    Magna Carta: 1215
  • Period: 1215 to 1215

    Magna Carta: 1215

    King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta to avoid a rebellion. The Magna Carta, or the Great Charter, is the start of a constitution government in England and was the first document that limited the power of the monarchy. The Magna Carta gave constitutional law to the English. In terms of the document itself has been honored by many other nations and even acted as a model for the American Constitution.
  • 1337

    Hundred Years’ War: 1337-1453

    Hundred Years’ War: 1337-1453
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    Hundred Years’ War: 1337-1453

    The start of the conflict that caused the hundred years war was the 1066 Norman invasion of England. During the time of the war also enduring the Black Death and the soldiers traveling for war were often more vulnerable disease. With the focus on war and politics, the Hundred Years War hindered the growth of the English language.
  • 1348

    Black Death: 1348

    Black Death: 1348
  • Period: 1348 to 1348

    Black Death: 1348

    The plague, known as the Black Death, hit England in the summer of 1348. When the disease hit London the death toll sky rocketed because the high population in the compact city and due to the fact that both the pneumonic and bubonic plague hit at the same time It is believed the plague killed a third of the population during 1348-1350 Language and education were put on the back-burner of the English's priorities.
  • 1362

    The Statute of Pleading makes English the official language in England: 1362

    The Statute of Pleading makes English the official language in England: 1362
    Parliament is opened with its first speech delivered in English. In 1399, at his coronation, King Henry IV becomes the first English monarch to deliver a speech in English
  • Period: 1362 to 1362

    The Statute of Pleading makes English the official language in England: 1362

    Parliament is opened with its first speech delivered in English. In 1399, at his coronation, King Henry IV becomes the first English monarch to deliver a speech in English
  • 1455

    War of the Roses:1455-1485

    War of the Roses:1455-1485
  • Period: 1455 to 1485

    War of the Roses:1455-1485

    In 1455 the Lancaster and York Houses of the House of Plantagenet, who ruled England, entered into a rivalry that turned into the War of Roses. The War of the Roses is named after the two houses whose symbols are the red rose for Lancaster House and a white rose for the House of York. The establishment of the Tudor dynasty, lead England from into the Early Modern England. the country began to put more focus into literature and education.
  • 1472

    Printing in England: 1472

    Printing in England: 1472
  • Period: 1472 to 1472

    Printing in England: 1472

    If the Norman Conquest marked the start of the changes that formed the close of the era is most importantly the arrival of printing in England. William Caxton is noted for popularizing print in England and through his work a standard for the English language.