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The Middle English Period (1100-1500)

By Aliidii
  • 1066

    The Norman’s conquered England

  • 1204

    King John, lost Normandy to the French

  • 1258

    King Henry III

    Issued the first English language royal proclamation since the Conquest
  • 1337

    The Hundred Years’ War

  • 1348

    The Black Death

  • 1362

    The status of Pleadings was enacted

  • 1381

    The first rebellion of working

    Class people against their explotaition
    The Peasants’ Revolt by Way Tyler by series of poll taxes
  • 1453

    Promoting English nationalism

  • 1476

    William Caxton brought printing to England

  • 1485

    Henry Tudor

    Became the king of England, began the War of Roses
  • 1497

    Jonah Cabot

    Sailed to Nova Scotia