From roman empire to muslim empire

The middle ages from the split of the Roman Empire to the Muslim Empire

By Mark2
  • 395

    The division of the Roman Empire

    The emperor Theodosius divided the Roman Empire into two parts because it was difficult to have much territory: the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire (known later as Byzantine Empire)
  • Period: 395 to 1453

    The Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine emperor was also called Basileus.
    Economy: landowning and high taxes, based in Latifundia. Trade was also important.
    Culture: a combination of Roman empire, Greek empire and Eastern elements.
    Language: greek, but later it was changed into latin.
    Alphabet: Cyrillic from slavs.
    Legal code: Codex Justinianus
    Religion: orthodox. The emperor is the Protector of the christians
  • Period: 600 to 1492

    The Muslim Empire

    Politics: rapid expansion
    Spread by four main Caliphs: Muhammed's family, Umayyad dynasty, Abbasid dynasty and Ali.
    Society: divided into Landowning, Peasants and Slaves
    Culture: geometric design, no human figures. Muslim art adopted from other cultures, such as Rome, Byzantine and the East.
    Inventions: the arabic numbers, paper, the compass...
    Religion: they have the Koran holy book and believe in Allah. They have to pray 5 times a day and can not consume pork or alcohol
  • Period: 800 to 968

    Carolingian Empire

    Charlemagne became the first emperor helping the Pope to conquer Lombardy. He wanted to rebuild the Roman Empire. The death of Charlemagne caused a civil war among his sons.
    Holly Roman Empire: Otto I brought back Charlemagne's ideas 150 years later.