The Fall of the Roman Empire
The Rome Kingdom, Republic , and Empire all together had lasted 1200 years. Rome fell apart for many differrent reasons. Rome was too big for person to rule, this was one of the reasons Rome fell apart. They tried to make this easier by dividing Rome so that not just one person would have to rule it by themselves. -
Period: 476 to May 15, 1450
The Middle Ages
May 16, 1028
William the Conqueror
May 16, 1096
The First Crusade
May 16, 1215
The Magna Carta
May 16, 1328
The Black Death
The Black Death was also called the Bubonic Plague. It spread aound Europe really fast. This plague started in trading routes. People got infected by fleas that came from rats. This took out a huge amount of people. -
May 16, 1337
100 Year War
May 16, 1453
The Fall of Constantinople
The Fall of Constantinople ( Byzantine Empire ) happened in 1453. In Byzantium there were many different Emperors but there was one that was very famous. Justinian, he was emperor of the capital city. -
Charlemagne was also know as Charles the Great. Charles started ruleing the Franks in 768 C.E. He ihereted his kingdom from his grandfather Charles Martel.