
The Middle Ages

  • 405

    St. Jerome finishes the Vulgate.

    St. Jerome finishes the Vulgate.
    The Christian Gospel is translated into Latin.
  • 410

    Rome is sacked by Alaric, King of the Visigoths.

    Rome is sacked by Alaric, King of the Visigoths.
    Decisive event in the decline of the Western Roman Empire.
  • 431

    Council of Ephesus

    Council of Ephesus
    Confirmed the original Nicene Creed, and condemned the teachings of Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, that led to his exile and separation with the Church of the East.
  • 455

    Rome is sacked by Genseric, King of the Vandals.

    Rome is sacked by Genseric, King of the Vandals.
    Another decisive event in the Fall of Rome and held by some historians to mark the "end of the Roman Empire".
  • 476

    The Fall Of Rome

    The Fall Of Rome
    • Invasions by Barbarian tribes -The rise of the Eastern Empire -Christianity and the loss of traditional values
  • 476

    Odoacer deposes the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus

    Odoacer deposes the last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus
    Considered by many to be the starting point of the Middle Ages
  • 500

    Germanic tribes dominates Western Europe

    Germanic tribes dominates Western Europe
    The Germanic Peoples (also called Teutonic in older literature)
    Migrating Germanic peoples spread throughout Europe in Late Antiquity (300-600)
    Germanic languages became dominant along the Roman
  • 532

    Nika Riots in Constantinople.

    Nearly half the city being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killed.
  • 533

    Byzantines, under Belisarius, retake North Africa from the Vandals.

    Vandal kingdom ends and the Reconquest of North Africa is completed.
  • 563

    Saint Columba founds mission in Iona.

    Constructed an abbey which helped convert the Picts to Christianity until it was destroyed and raided by the Vikings in 794.
  • 570

    Muhammed is born.

    Professed receiving revelations from God, which were recorded in the Qur'an, the basis of Islamic theology, in which he is regarded as the most important prophet.
  • 577

    The West Saxons continue their advance at the Battle of Deorham.

    Led to the permanent separation of Cornwall, England from Wales.
  • Jan 21, 622

    Muhammad Migrates from Mecca to Medina.

    Event will have designated first year of the Islamic Calendar, as Anno Hegirae.
  • Jan 21, 627

    Battle of Nineveh.

    The Byzantines, under Heraclius, crush the Persians.
  • Jan 21, 632

    Death of Muhammed.

    By this point, all of Arabia is Muslim.
  • Jan 6, 732

    Christian stops Muslim conquering europe

    Christian stops Muslim conquering europe
    Islamists will not find it difficult to conquer Europe.
    Christianity in Western Europe has virtually ceased to exist.
    In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into Dar al-Islam
  • Gregory the Great becomes Pope.

    The missionary work reached new levels during his pontificate, revolutionized the way of worship for the Catholic Church (Gregorian Chants), liturgy, etc., and was soon canonized after his death.
  • Augustine arrives in Kent.

    Christianization of England (Anglo-Saxons) begins.
  • Western europe changes into Christian empire

    Western europe changes into Christian empire
    The invading army reached the outskirts of Rome, which had been left totally undefended
    In 313 C.E., Roman emperor Constantine the Great ended all persecution and declared toleration for Christianity
    Roman state directly undermined its religious traditions.
  • The Kingdom of the Lombards is founded in Italy.

    Survived in Italy until the invasion of the Franks in 774 under Charlemagne.