
The Middle Ages

  • 350

    The Barbaric Invasions

    The Barbaric Invasions
    Barbaric tribes come into the Roman lands to steal goods and supplies. Soon th etribes live/occupy the Roman lands. Such groups include the Anglo-Saxons, the Vandals, the Visogoths, and the Huns.
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    The Fall of Rome marked the beginning of the Middle Ages. In 476 AD, emperor Romulus Augustulus is deposed by the barbarian general Odoacer. This event marks the end of one period, and the beginning of another.
  • 520


    St. Benedict established the first monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy. He drew up a set of rules for the monks, which included vows of obedience, poverty and manual labor.
  • 542

    The Bubonic Plague

    The Bubonic Plague
    The bubonic plague spreads to all establishments in the Mediterranean Basin, including Portugal and Moracco. Detected in there ports.
  • Apr 8, 741

    The Muslim Invasions

    The Muslim Invasions
    Like the Barbarians, Muslims follow there technique and along with barbarians from the north, Muslims begin to conquer lands from the south.
  • Apr 3, 1000

    Feudal Systems

    Feudal Systems
    Many popular cities and towns in Italy become city-states. With this the feudal system begins were Kings give sections of land called fiefs to lords in exchange for assistance during wars. Then the lords could give land to knights. And finally the peasants worked the land in exchange for fservices.This is known as the feudal system.
  • Mar 14, 1025

    The Byzantine Takes Control

    The Byzantine Takes Control
    The Byzantine Empire gains control over the government and begins to limit the freedom of the peasantry, thereby beginning the destruction of the economic control of Byzantine civilization.
  • Feb 9, 1050

    The High Middle Ages

    The High Middle Ages
    Considered as the High Middle Ages. Western Europe rises as a great power with only China equaling it in political, economic and cultural flourishing. It also witnesses profound religious and intellectual change.
  • Apr 28, 1059

    The Election Process

    The Election Process
    The reforming popes, following from the acts of Henry III, issue a decree on elections which gives the cardinals the right of appointing new popes. This decree allows elections to escape the whims of political leaders.
  • Jan 4, 1096

    The Begining of the Crusades

    The Begining of the Crusades
    Religious believers go on voyages to visit sacred Biblical sites. When the Seljuks take control of the Holy land the Pope calls for a crusade against the Seljuks. The crusaders take over the city of Jerusalem.
  • Nov 19, 1215

    The Magna Carta is signed

    The Magna Carta is signed
    Rebels revolt against King John of England. After the rebelion, there is no ruler to take his place. Instead they have KIng John sign a document, called the Magna Carta, stating that there is no divine right of kings.
  • Dec 4, 1337

    The Hundred Year War

    The Hundred Year War
    Edward III of England declares war on France.The fighting starts and continues off and on until about 1453.
  • Aug 25, 1347

    The Black Death Begins

    The Black Death Begins
    A plague reaches the shores of Italy around 1347, believed to have been carried by merchant ships. Victims, endure fevers, diarrhea, vomiting, and chills. The disease spreads quickly. And about 1/3rd of the population dies.
  • Jun 17, 1429

    The start of Joan of Arc

    The start of Joan of Arc
    Joan of Arc won the Battle of Orleans for France during the Hundred Years War. She continues to fight, encouraging her troops in their war against the English. Soon she is captured, acused of begiining a witch and burned on a stake.
  • Jan 4, 1453

    The Byzantine Empire Ends

    The Byzantine Empire Ends
    The Byzantine Empire comes to an end as it falls to the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire captures Constantinople in 1453 A.D. Later it is renamed Istanbul in 1930.
  • Jan 9, 1500

    The Renassiance Begins

    The Renassiance Begins
    The Renassiance began in Europe. It makes the end of the Middle Ages.The Renassiance was a term coined by Petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideals.
  • The Franks & A New Leader

    The Franks & A New Leader
    The Frank tribes are united by King Clovis. He became the king of Franks by defeating the Visigoths in the Battle of Vouille.
  • The Code of Civil Law

    The Code of Civil Law
    The Code of Civil Law published by Justinian. This body of law contained three parts that compiled the centuries of imperial pronouncements and legal writings.
  • A Kingdom Divided

    A Kingdom Divided
    After Charlemagne's son dies, the kingdom is split into three. Raids into western Europe increase. Kingships were created to protect themselves, kingships are created.
  • Alfred the Great Rules

    Alfred the Great Rules
    Alfred the Great defeats theVikings also known as the Danes in 878. In 886 he captures London. He signs a treaty, splitting England between him and the Danes.