The Middle Ages

By AliciaP
  • 476

    The fFall Of Rome

    The fFall Of Rome
    he fall of rome marks the begining of the middle ages. in 476 AD emperor Romulus Agustulus is deposed by the barbarian general odocer. thsui event marks the end of one period, and th begining of another.
  • 571

    Muhammad is born

    Muhammad is born
    The prophet of Islam is born in Makkah, he was an orphaned at an ealry age, he was raised under the care of his paternal uncle Abu Talib. At age forty at this spot that he was visited by Gabriel and recieved his first revelation from god. Three years later Muhammad starting preaching these revelations publicly, proclaiming that god is one and that he was a prophet and messenger of god.
  • Dec 16, 602

    Final Roman-Persian War

    Final Roman-Persian War
    In 602 a Roman army went under the leadership of Phocas. Until 629 ome battled its final war with Persia. In 602 Hercalius had restored the True cross in Jerusalem.
  • Dec 14, 732

    Charles the Hammer and the Battle of Tours

    Charles the Hammer and the Battle of Tours
    Charles Martel, known as Charles the Hammer was a Frankish political and military leader who worked under the Merovingian Kings as the Mayor of the Palace. In 732 AD, he defeated Moorish invaders in the Battle of Tours which permanently ended the Islamic invaders and their expansion in western Europe. Charles Martel is considered as one of the founding fathers of feudalism and knighthood of Europe. He prepared the grounds for the establishment of Carolingian Empire. He was the grandfather
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Battle of Hastings

    The Battle of Hastings
    On October 14th 1066, William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy defeated the last Anglo-Saxon king Harold II. William the Conqueror established the Norman Empire and to protect his empire, he rewarded all his Norman supporters who fought for him in the war with large piece of land of England. He divided all land of England in manors and established the feudal system and manoralism.
  • Sep 16, 1096

    Start of the first crusade

    Start of the first crusade
    The Crusades were wars between the Holy Roman Empire and the Muslims over the Holy Land. There would be several Crusades over the next 200 years.
  • Apr 16, 1215

    Declaration of Magna Carta

    Declaration of Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta Libertatum, or the Great Charter of Liberties of England was originally issued in 1215 AD. This charter is considered to be the first step towards the constitutional government of England. The Charter of Magna Carta restricted the power of the Emperor and proved the importance of a Constitution.
  • Jun 9, 1315

    The Great Famine

    The Great Famine
    Whole northern Europe suffered the Great Famine in 1315 which prolonged itself till 1317. During these two years of famine, a big portion of the population died of hunger and diseases. During those days of famine, crime rate increased to extreme and there were too many incidences of cannibalism, rapes, and infanticides. The Great Famine brought unrest in peasants and the members of nobility also suffered a setback and as a result, they became more bloodthirsty and gave up the oath of chivalry.
  • Sep 14, 1337

    The Hundred Years’ War

    The Hundred Years’ War
    The Hundred Years’ War began in 1337 when the Kingdom of England waged war against the Kingdom of France. While there were many periods of peace and ceasefire between England and France during the period, however, this war was continued again and again in different conflicts till 1453.
  • Nov 18, 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death or the Black Plague proved to be the most threatening epidemic of the European Middle Ages that significantly weakened the feudal system and the Church of Europe. Huge masses of people met untimely death because of this plague and it significantly reduced the economic and political power of the kingdoms of Europe. In order to take advantages of the situations, peasants revolted against their manors and asked for better treatment.
  • Dec 16, 1378

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The Church suffered the first jolt in 1054, when the Church was divided in Eastern and Western Christian Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church believed that the Western Roman Catholic Church was corrupt and exploitative.The Western Christendom suffered much bigger jolt during 1378 to 1417, when there were three contestants for the Papacy. This internal tussle for ultimate power of papacy significantly reduced the influence and power of the Church over common people.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Discovers America

    Christopher Columbus Discovers America
    Columbus led his three ships the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria out uof the spanish Palas on August 3 1492. His objective was to sail west until he reached Asia(the Indies) where the riches of gold, pearl and the spice awaited having landed, they saw trees very greeen and much water and fruits.
  • Dec 16, 1498

    Leonardo Da Vinci Is Done Painting the Last Supper

    Leonardo Da Vinci  Is Done Painting the Last Supper
    in 1495, Leonardo Da Vinci began painting the lost supper on the wall of the refectory(dinning room) of Santa Mairie Delle Grazie in Milan, Italy and completed it in 1498. It measures fifteen by twenty nine feet. Leonardo choose to capture the moment in which Jesus announces to the apostlesd that he knows one of them will betray him.
  • Dec 9, 1500

    The Renaissance begins

    The Renaissance begins
    the Renaissance begin in Europe in ealry 1500's. It marks the end of the middle ages. The Renaissance was a term coined by petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman idelas.
  • Charlemagne, the Emperor of Romans

    Charlemagne, the Emperor of Romans
    Charlemagne or Charles the Great was a Frankish king who expanded the Frankish kingdom and covered almost all of the Western and Central Europe. He was declared as the Emperor of Romans in 800 AD and he enjoyed the empire until his death. He associated his political steps with the Church and encouraged a revival of art, religion and culture with the help of the Church.
  • Treaty of Verdun

    Treaty of Verdun
    After his death, Louis the Pious was declared his successor who ruled as the Emperor of Romans. After his death, the Carolingian empire faced a Civil War because of the internal tussle between the three surviving sons of Louis the Pious who struggled for the emperorship. At last, the Carolingian empire was divided in three parts in August 843 AD through the Treaty of Verdun which ended the three years long Civil War. -
  • Clovis Becomes Kings

    Clovis Becomes Kings
    Clovis becomes kings of the Frankish tribes that were part of Roman Province Of Gaul.Each tribe of the Franks had its own king. The greatest of all these knigs was chlodwig or clovis. clovis was intelligent and brave.
  • Vikings begin to invade nothern europe

    Vikings begin to invade nothern europe
    As Christian Europe had settled down after the barbarian invasions, folowed by the onslaught of Islamic armies a new wave of barbarian invaderes came fromt eh norht in the form of the vikings. these people came from the countries we now call Sweden,Denmark and Norway. the Vikings launched an early atack on the Monastery of Lindisfarne on a small island off the East Coast of England.
  • Chain is unified

    Chain is unified
    In 581 the Sui dynasty would rule over China. This evtn is important as for the first time in 400 years China was unified. This unification would go on to only last thirty seven years
  • The Ottonian Holy Roman Empire of Germany

    The Ottonian Holy Roman Empire of Germany
    Otto I was the successor of Henry the Fowler, the duke of Saxony who became the first Saxon Emperor. Just like his father, Otto I succeeded in protecting Germans against Magyar invaders. He chose to create a German monastery and this natural allegiance of German Church and Kingdom helped him to gain control over the rebellion dukes and establish his Ottonian Empire. In 962 AD, the papacy of Italy invited him and declared him as the Emperor of Italy and he established his Holy Roman Empire.