The Fall of Rome
The fall of Rome marks the beginning of the Middle Ages. In 476 AD. emperor, Romulus Augustulus, is deposed by the barbarian Odacer. This event marks the end of one period and the beginning of another. -
Muhammad is Born
Muhammad was born in the year 570. He was born in Mecca in cureent day Saudi Arabia. Muhammad was the founder of Islam. -
Dec 19, 610
Islam is Created
The Islamic religion was started by the great prophet Muhammed. It had a very slow start and had trouble expanding. Today it has grown to the largest religion. -
Aug 16, 732
Battle of Tours
This battle was between the Muslims and the Franks. The Franks were victorious. This ended the european spread of Islam. -
Dec 19, 1000
Gunpowder is invented
The chinese inented gunpowder. This led to a Revolution in war and explosives. soon many people would have guns. -
Dec 16, 1096
First Crusade
The crusades started as a pilgramage and ended as an expedition to regain the Holy Lands. The Holy Lands were under Muslim control. The Roman Catholics recapture the Holy Lands in 1099 but the Muslims would not give up and it opened a war tghat lasted hundreds of years. -
Dec 19, 1147
Second Crusade
The second war of many. Another holy war fought over the Holy Lands. The Crusades were fought by the Muslims and the Christians. -
Jul 13, 1215
Magna Carta
King John of England signed the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta gave people more rights. It also said the king was not above the law. -
Sep 12, 1271
Marca Polo leaves
Marco Polo left for his famous trip in 1271. This trip went around Asia. He never returned from the trip. -
Dec 16, 1337
The Hundred Years War Begins
Pitted the Kingdoms of England and France against eachother. It lasted approximately 100 years. It was a few more than 100 but that wopuldnt sound as well. -
Apr 7, 1347
Black Death Spreads
Black Death was one of the worst epidemics in human history. It started in 1347 and is estimated to have ended around 1357. It killed an estimated 75 to 200 millionn people. -
Dec 19, 1380
Chaucer Begins to write Canterbury Tales
XChaucer wrote the Canterbury tales. The book is still popular today. It is read in classrooms all over the world. -
Dec 16, 1381
Bible Translated to english
This was the first time the bible was translated to english. This helped the spread of Christianity even more. Now most people could resd the bible. -
Dec 19, 1444
Printing Press invented
Alows more than 1 of the same article to be printe dfaster than ever. The satrt of the Renaisance. Invented by German inventer Johannes Gutenberg. -
Aug 18, 1492
Columbus discovers the America
On a quest to the Indies Columbus accidently stumbled upon the Americas. He thought he succeeded in making it to the Indies. He acctually discovered a new western world and began a new era. -
Jan 9, 1500
The Renaisance begins
The Ranaissance bengins in Europe. It marks the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a term coined by Petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideas. -
Clovis becomes King of the Franks.
Clovis becomes Catholic. This unites most of Frankish tribes. First king to unite all the Franks under one ruler. -
Vikings Invade Northern Europe
The Vikings were from Scandinavian lands. Scandinavia is Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They continued until 1042. -
Jeruselum is captured
Muslims captured Jeruselum. This eventually led to the crusades. Jeruselum is believed to be the promise land of many religions. -
Charlemagne is crowned Holy Roman Emperor
Charlemeagne was king of the franks. He then Became Holy Roman Emreror. Charlemagne united much of Western Europe and is considered the father of both the French and the German Monarchies.