The Fall of Rome
The Fall of Rome marks the beginning of the Middle Ages. In 476 AD emperor Romulus Augustulus, is deposed by the barbarian general Odoacer. This event marks the end of one period and the beginning of another one. -
Sep 24, 622
The beginning of Islam
Muhammed began preaching in Mecca.He had no success.So he moved to a city named yathrib. The city later was named the city ofthe prophet. -
Dec 16, 732
The Battle of Tours.
Christian warriors triumphed. To them the victory was a sin that god was on their side. Muslims did not go farther into western Europe, but did control most of spain. -
Feb 28, 1000
From Romanague to Gothic.
Monasteries started and towns were building solid stone churches. With their riches,Nobles,manarchs and townspeople indulged in a flurry of building. -
Dec 16, 1085
Christians conqur Spain
In 1085 the captured the city of Toledo. The christians continued to push forward for hundreds of years. The christians controlled the entire Iberian penisula except for granada. In 1492 they finally captured Granada. -
Sep 19, 1134
Crossbow invented.
Dec 16, 1198
Papal Supremacy
Pope innocent the third took office. He claimed supremacy over all other rulers. He clased with all other rulers of his day.He usually won. -
May 15, 1347
The Black Death
AA fleet of Genoese trading ships loaded with grain anf left the Black sea.But the ships left a very deadlydisease behind and started killin sailors and then townspeople. By 1348 it reached Spain and France. From there it spread to the rest of Europe. This was a death rate that was worse than any other in history. -
Sep 19, 1436
Printing Press
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This machine was to transfer lettering and pictures onto paper -
May 22, 1492
Columbus Discovers America
Christepher Columbus made four trips from Spain expecing to find a route from Europe to ASia. Instead he stumbled upon the Americas. Although he never really discovered it. People have been living there for yaers. But his journeys started the beginning of centries of trans-atlantic conquest. -
Jan 17, 1500
The Renaissance
The Renaissance period begins in Europe. It marks the end of the middle ages. The rienaissance was a term coined by petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideals. -
New Emperor for the Romans.
Pope Leo the third ask Charlemagne for help against rebellious nobles in Rome. He later showed his gratitude by placing a crown on him. The popes action outraged the emperor in Rome. The crowning of Charliemagne deepened the split between the eastern and western christian worlds. -
The Franks Extend theor power
They conquerd the former Romand province of Gaul, which later became the kingdom of France. He ruled hi new lands under his own customs, but also kept some of the Roman legacy. -
The age of Charlemagne
The grandson of Charles Martel became the new ruler of the Franks. He united western Europe when he built an empire reaching across France, Germany and part Italy. Charlesmagne also means Vharles the Great. -
Charlemagne Lecacy.
His Grandson drea up the Tready of Verdon. It Europe into three regons. Charlemagnme left a long lastin legacy. He did many great things as king. He led the cristianity far into Eurpoe and other places of the world. -
Europe After Charlemagne
His grandson drew up the Tready of Verdon which Europe into three regions. Carlemagne still left a long lasting legacy. He did many great things while he was king of the Franks. He extened Christianint far into europe and lots of olaces all around the world. He was a great king.