The Middle Ages

  • 410

    The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire.

    The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire.
    In august, 24, 410 the Bararian invaded the Western Roman Empire.
  • Period: 455 to 467

    The Indian Gupta Empire is destroyed by White Huns.

    Babarian called White Huns invaded from the north by a tribe
  • 476

    The last Western Roman Emperor is deposed.

    The last Western Roman Emperor is deposed.
    While 476 CE is the traditionally accepted date for the end of the Western Roman Empire
  • 623

    Muslims conquer much of the Middle East.

    Muslims conquer much of the Middle East.
    The Muslim community spread through the middle east, through conquest, and the resulting growth of the Muslim state provided the ground in which the recently revealed faith could take root and flourish.
  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

    As a way to acknowledge Charlemagne's power and reinforce his relationship with the church, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Romans on December 25, 800, at St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
  • 802

    The Khmer Empire is founded in Cambodia.

    The founder of the Khmer empire, Jayavarman II, came to power in 802.
  • 1060

    The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.

    During the Viking age a considerable religious change happened in Scandinavia. The Vikings were all Pagans, but had lots of other gods, accepting the Christian God with theirs. The Vikings came into contact with Christianity and after settling they adopted Christianity quite quickly. This was true in Normandy, Ireland, and throughout the British Isles. Although, when the Vikings died, they were buried with goods in their graves however Christians didn't.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The Normans conquer England.

    The Normans conquer England.
    Norman Conquest, the military conquest of England by William, duke of Normandy, primarily effected by his decisive victory at the Battle of Hastings.
    Link text
  • 1071

    The First Crusade captures Jerusalem from the Muslims.

    In 1071 the Seljuq Turks defeated Byzantine armies at the battle of Manzikert (now Malazgirt, Turkey) and extended their control over much of Asia Minor (now in Turkey). They also seized control of Jerusalem from the Muslim authority there.
  • Period: 1185 to

    Feudal Lords dominate Japan.

    From the beginning of Japanese civilization until 1185 an emperor ruled all of Japan. An emperor is similar to a king, but in Japan he was also a religious leader.
  • 1291

    The last Crusade fails.

    The first crusade was launched by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095. There is controversy over the last crusade. “Traditionalists” would end the crusades in 1291 with the fall of the last crusader castle of the Latin Kingdom.
  • 1368

    The Ming Dynasty is founded in China.

    In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang officially proclaimed himself emperor in Yingtian and founded the Ming Dynasty. 60
  • 1368

    The Mongol Empire reaches its peak.

    The Mongol Eepire reached its peak in 1368.