Fall of the roman empire
The Roman Empire fell for many reasons. There was great political instability. There army was weak and many barberians where in it. Disease took 20% of the population out in 150 years. Rome also spread them selfs too thin. Also many people and Barberians attacked Rome. This all led to the fall of Rome. -
Period: 476 to Dec 31, 1300
The Middle Ages
Birth of Muhammad
Muhammad was born in 570. He was the Second great Prophet he was the founder of Islam. At the age of 40 Muhammad receive his first revelation from God through the Angel Gabriel. This continued for 23 years and was made into a book called the Qur'an.He began to preach the truth which God had revealed to him,. This grew Rapidly and turned into a major world religion called Islam. The Muslim people Captured and controlled many areas including the Holy Lands. In June 8, 632 Muhammad died. -
Jan 1, 1067
William the Conqueror
William the Conqueror was the King of England; he was a brave and very religious king. He conquered alot of places and when he did he wanted everything to himself, He was a very cruel and feared king;but also a good king. William the Conqueror is the most famous England king. -
Nov 27, 1095
The First Crusade
This was a military expendition where christians attacked muslims for the holy land, mainly Jerusalem. Christains took Jerusalem but didnt have it for long. Many other Crusades followed after. -
Sep 22, 1212
Childrens Crusade
The childrens crusade was composed entirely of children from France and Germany. This crusade was lead by a 12 year old shepard boy Stephen of Cloyes. After being denied by the king to start the crusade, Stephen preached to other children to go take over Jerusalem that god would protect them. There where 30,000 children in all. The journey was too much and many gave up or died, the remaining where captured and sold as slaves. In the end the children didnt even set foot on Jerusalem. -
Oct 5, 1337
Hundred Years War
The hundresd years war lasted 116 years. It was fought between England and France. -
Oct 2, 1347
The Bubonic Plague
The Bubonic Plague is a desease mainly affecting rodents, but fleas spread it to humans. The Plague's symptoms are fever and painful swelling on the lymph glands named buboes, other side effects where red spots on skin that eventually turned black. it started in China and after trade, europe got it, Once you got it you die quickly and you spread it quickly too. The Bubonic plague took out 1/3 of Europes population -
Sui Dynasty
The Sui Dynasty was a powerful but short dynasty. During this dynasy north and south China where reunified again. The Great Wall of China was also expanded. Buddisim was the main religion. The down fall of the Sui Dynasty was because of the war with Korea. -
Bulgarian Empire
Bulgarian Empire was formed by Asparukh in 681 AD even though there where other bulgarian kindoms before, but Bulgaria was a combination between Bulgars and Slavs today's Bulgaria. Bulgaria was formed under the independent state Kuber. -
King Otto I
King Otto also known as Otto the great was the king of Germany and Henry the Fowler's son, He became king in 937, and ruled till 970. Started the Ottonian dynasty of Saxon kings in Germany. He also was the successor to Charlemagne whos heirs died in 911. King Otto wanted as much power as he could get and didnt want anyone to challenge him, like the bishops and abbots. After his death His son took over.